Team Plasma N (Fan Art Portfolio) Ouran Highschool Gijinka Club

Ouran Highschool Gijinka Club
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WEEEE!!! So to my fellow ladies of the Gijinka club, remember when I borrowed your men? Well I had them take their clothes off and do poses for a cosplay of the Ouran characters lol. Yup, since we all swoon over these lovely men I thought they fit the part.

The pose is a reference to an Ouran sign right here.

The Characters they Cosplay:

The Prince Type: Tamaki Suoh - Played by Chii the Chinchou, who belongs to Bluesen12. Chii fits Tamaki because most of the time he is pretty clueless but is always the perfect gentleman and is always there for his friends. Plus he tends to be a drama king as well. :D

The Strong and Silent Type: Takashi Morinozuka - Played by Badrak the Kadabra, who belongs to VDR-07. Badrak is a gentleman himself but is strong and must of the time silent since he thinks things through in the PGR. It makes sense since he is a psychic type. :)

The Cool Type: Kyouya Ootori - Played by Gil the Glaceon, who belongs to Krokun. Ok, Gil is a ladies man, he can be cold like Kyouya (hence the ice type lol) but he is much smarter then he appears plus he is working hard to be the leader of his clan. T^T Plus he always has some of the best comebacks hehe.

The Boy Lolita Type: Mitskuni Haninozuka - Played by no other then the club's cutest member, Nyarth the Meowth who belongs to Eneko. I don't think I need to explain much here since well Honey is adorable, Nyarth is adorable, and they both are little boys and makes us SQUEE!!! *huggles Nyarth* I just think he is the cutest member ever!!! Besides, he tends to be with Badrak a lot....<,< Nyarth really needs a giant pink bunny like that in the story line.

The Devil Type: Hikaru Hitachiin - Lux the Luxray, who belongs to yours truly. Since Lux is short tempered and older then Hiro, it makes sense for him to be Hikaru because sometimes he doesn't know how to express his feelings but is very sly when it comes to making fun of people. He too is also teases people and is good with the ladies. Him and Hiro are too much like twins lol.

Little Devil Type: Kaoru Hitachiin - Hiro the Mightyena, owned by Kayuki. Hiro is younger then Lux and is also much more laid back and quite and doesn't speak his mind that much when it comes to girls. He keeps his feelings bottled up, but again he is very fiesty and funny when it comes to teasing people and fighting.

The Natural Type: Haruhi Fujioka - Aberius the Absol, belongs to Kitty K.O. Now why did I pick him as the natural? Well because he is a natural at everything, good looks, strength, and also he happens to be the oldest but shortest member of PGR. lol Besides, he just fits the natural part....sorry he looks younger then the others but with serious eyes, Abbie looked better with big eyes and a angry eyebrow hehe...

Lux: Why don't you tell dear Aberius why you really picked him as the natural...?

Me: Huh? *laughs nervously* What are you talking about?

Lux: Iruka, you know darn well you did it because his name sounded like a girl...

Me: LUX! ABBIE IS A GIRL NAME!!! *is shot* I'm sorry Aberius but I still love you!!! :3

If your character did not end up in here, no worries I will be doing more. I also didn't want to be bias and have two of the same people's characters in here so at least there are 7 of us here!! :D


Anyway, comments and hugs are always appreciated.

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Art
abbie, aberius, abs, absol, badrak, chii, chinchou, club, cosplay, gijinka, gil, glaceon, high school, highschool, hiro, kadabra, lux, luxray, meowth, mightyena, nyarth, ouran, pgr, pokemon, sexy
37 votes thumb
24 members Favoritefavorite
Usagi Ketsueki PGR wolfshadowlurker Bluesen xdaisyx Tao44Ren Artgrrl Otomi Babii AIloveAkuma SaiKat Kitty K.O. vdr-07 krokun Ellenor Mererid animelover7310 Eneko nosheep13 Oasaka45656
Member Dedication
Otomi Babii
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