So, this is my prelim. entry for the contest for Nom con. I NEED FEEDBACK. I had some one look at this and tell me to stop using pose maniacs, but I didn't use posemaniacs at all on this. (I have only ever used it for hands/feet in the past, but this one was easy.) me out. What do you all think. Should I try adjusting colors, add texture, etc? Please help me out.
EDIT: So, tried to make the water look more water-like, added more reflections on the girl and tried to make her less flat looking, but she's not actually under the tree. >< Oh well. Also, added the tail and made the highlights more....bright. Thoughts on the updated piece?? Hopefully I'll be able to submit it after Christmass at some point. Merry Christmas everyone!!
Also, Nom Con is an irish convention, if anyone lives in Ireland or will be there in August, you should try to go. :D