But fo serisouly guys, I think I've improved from last year QUITE a bit and I'm pretty proud of myself :3 http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/322908/blue%2527s_2009--_in_piccys%2521
I thought I was just stuck in an-unending no-improvemtn cycle!! ;A; I know some of you feel like that sometimes, too, but it's not true--WE ARE GETTING BETTA >D *monty python flash back lolol*
Even within the year I think I've done better. not only with drawing but my photoshop coloring skillage as well--Just look at January and December! They're both pictures of my beloved OC Prince Spade, but look how much he's softened up and looks so much sweeter and cuter~
*is so proud*
I encourage all of you to do the meme! It's fun! :D