ShingetsuHime (Fan Art Portfolio) Ayame


I'M BACK Y'ALL!!! those who care and who've noticed my absence >.<

I've been gone so I can help take care of my grandmother and my mothers dog. Both have been diagnosed with breast cancer so I haven't really had time to be on between helping with them and activities. I'm sorry :( -bows-

Well, my apology for my absence is this! This digi work of art! I've been getting better!...sort of...>.> I still suck at doing hair, shading and what not.

This lovely (?) girl is my latest OC, Ayame Uchiha. She's the daughter of Itachi and Konan. She's not exactly a prodigy like Ita-chan, but she's close. She's an epic medic nin, and can easily hold her own in a fight, even against as many people as 7 (odd number O.o)alone.Like most Uchiha she uses mainly fire jutsu, but she can also use earth. She's been practicing Water, and can do a few jutsu. She can also do her won version of Konans Paper Jutsu, only the paper transforms into Iris (her namesake) petals that, once they touch the opponant, slowly start to paralyze you. But she has to be careful because if she doesnt concentrate enough the petals can affect her as well.

She's a lot like me...she has a bad mouth, is laid back, has moments of immense stupidity, and is fiercely loyal and protective of her family. To the point of getting her eyes stolen in place of her sisters when she was 16. (this happened in an Rp, and I decided to make it part of her Bio ^w^)

This is the...3rd? 4th? outfit I've given her and so far It's my favorite. It's also her 3rd hairstyle. The hair was all pretty much the same...the first had no bangs, the second was the same just with some braids that went around her head to her ears.

This is only the back view, but I'm working on a front view now ^_^

comments greatly appreciated!

the blue lines serve no purpose other than to get the image to fit the requirements >.<

Naruto Fan Art
ayame, naruto, oc, rpc, uchiha
17 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
trentharris KiKaiya Yammi chan hanawa vocaloidnova Heartkruez sasuke sarutobi4 Oasaka45656 clueless101 ReiKiba
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