littlepooch (Fan Art Portfolio) Ahhh 2010~

Ahhh 2010~
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XDD Wow! I can't believe the year is almost done .3.; I was going to wait till new years buuuttt... I'm impatient -_- So umm... The question-Do you think I improved at all??? ;__; ...Nahhh I don't think that much X3;; It's mostly just changing styles and getting better at using Gimp/Sai..

Thoughts/Comments-Uhhh.. Not much but during that time, I hadn't payed too much mind to shading ^^; Oh, and it was for a mission in PGR.. The Graceful one for the people who remember :)

Thoughts/Comments-My OC Haruka for Inu-Chans Rp :D

Thoughts/Comments-:D It actually doesn't look too bad I think~ It was my never-eva going to happen manga cover for my manga XDD Her name is Flora :3 (shes also used in Anime-Chan's MMC world ^^)

Thoughts/Comments-KC's OC, Mear for PGR :'D I miss Mear T0T It was actually a art trade I think... Yeah... Pretty sure..

Thoughts/Comments-It was for a challenge, what kind of gijinka would you be :D I picked a mightyena XDD

Thoughts/Comments-My OC Sky for my rp CF. I never did anything with it and just uploaded it to dA cause I can *shot* -_-;

Thoughts/Comments-For a challenge where you had to make twins :) It didn't turn out good, but not horribly..?

Thoughts/Comments-My OC, Sora for my rp CF :) It was her reff pic and I guess around this time was when I decided to try and force myself to stop drawing and focus on up coming school... Also around the time I decided to stop most submitting to theO unless for a good reason..*shot* XDD Though trying to make myself stop drawing of course didn't work.. -__- I did get a huge block though...

Thoughts/Comments-Edward Elric (c) Arakawa X3 It was for a request I think...

Thoughts/Comments->D when I finally killed my block!!! It was at the end of October cause I had motivation to finish this picture for my dear friend Akane :) <3 And she did finally come back ^3^ Actually, though I really like this picture .__. I couldn't decide if this was my best of the year or if my Wolf's Rain one was X3 <3 I chose Wolf's Rain though~

Thoughts/Comments-Something for a challenge... Character design was by me but the idea of the character was from an author.. Heather Brewer??? I forget..

Thoughts/Comments-Moon's Christmas gift :D <3 I like how it turned out =3 Thought I think I could have done a little better ^^;

Favorites-.:here:.& .:here:.
Thoughts/Comments-The first one was my picture based on the song Break Away ^^ I love that song~ <33 Though it's not the best, it was my first real attempt at GIMP and turned out semi-successful >3 The second thing-Is Akira who is/was a friends OC but she quit theOtaku.. But I really liked how the lighting turned out and everything ^^ Background was epic too >D Akira was used in PGR.

Thoughts/Comments-^__^ Lol, you should have talked to me once I was done XDD I was so exited with how it turned out but since it's now a few months old I'm not as exited, but I still like it >3 It's fluffeh (Tsume) and Akito (Aki)

Least Favorite-.:here:.
Thoughts/Comments-:/ I don't know if it's just me or not but, I can't do my best on requests cause I never want to draw them.. >__<;; And I love Kubo's drawings so I got intimidated and it turned out really bad ;__; (I get like that when I draw other people's characters "oTZ) *sigh* anywhos, it's supposed to be Renji =__=;

AND WITH THAT!!! :DD My 2010 art summery~~



PGR(Poke Gijinka Revolution)-By Otomi Babii
CF(Community Fusion)-By Littlepooch
Mear (c) Kratos Curxis
Vladimir Todd books (c) Heather Brewer
Fluffeh (Tsume) (c) Wolf's Rain
Renji (c) Bleach
Akira (c) KaKo Chan
Poochy, Haruka, Flora, & Sky (c) Littlepooch
Edward Elric (c) Fullmetal Alchemist
Break Away the song (c) Kelly Clarkson
Background made on GIMP
Brushes (c) dA

Any questions on the pics, ask me :D

o3o Woowwwwwwwwww.... Heres 2009's!! Crap! XDD It's funny how you're never aware of *cough* how much you actually suck -__-;;

I'll probably look at this next year (If I'm still drawing/on theOtaku ^^;;;) and realize how bad this really looks XDD;;

PS =D What do you think of the format?? I thought it would be cool to add it... >__>U

Oh well, I'm looking forward to seeing more of these kinds of art summaries :D

Personal Fan Art
2010, akira, akito, angle, art, break away, ed, elric, fallen, flora, fma, gijinka, girl, graced, haruka, hawk, kako chan, littlepooch, me, mightyena, poochy, poochyena, renji, skitty, sky, sora, tsume, twins, vad, wolfs rain, year
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