Sooo for those of you I am just now meeting, the first thing you should probably know about me is my god awful scanner... that for some reason doesn't mind scanning onto a camera memory card but when it comes to scanning directly to the computer? Oh no, don't even think of such a crazy notion.
Anyway I generally don't like submitting things that aren't properly scanned, but I thought perhaps I would share this with you. It's a piece I did in art class as apart of our bone study. It was a still life so yes, there was a skeleton involved (I named him Everett) which explains why his head is askew. For some reason O'Boyle decided not to sit his head on properly and well... it was a still life so... yeah.
This is actually only the sketch we did in our sketchbooks. The real thing is a lot bigger, and it was done in conte pastel. That would explain why there are orange blotches all over this thing because if you are not familiar with conte, it gets EVERYWHERE (my arm looked like Tony the Tiger).
Anyway, I guess this is just to show you that yes, there are other art forms out there ASIDE from anime! Clearly I love anime style as much as anyone else on here, but taking Art History this year and taught me to appreciate all the other styles (and now I'm going to go bankrupt travelling everywhere to see those styles >_>) Also if I haven't mentioned it before, if you are serious about going to art school they DO NOT allow anime in your portfolio. It's too easy to copy. But they LOVE still life and things drawn form real life (NOT a photo reference!)
So pick up a pencil and draw a still life! Doesn't have to be perfect.
....God, why am I always so wordy? :s
Oh yeah, done in graphite and tortillion (my new favorite friend, make it yours too!)
Anyway, adieu. *bows*