sweetdevil (Fan Art Portfolio) Before and After: 2005 vs 2011

Before and After: 2005 vs 2011
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Plaguing the internets with yet another Sailor Moon fanart! This time it's for SakuraDust's Before and After challenge, which I decided to submit this piece to since I'm not hoping to churn out anything good until March :D Went through the old stuff I scanned because I have no way of locating anything earlier than 2008; I'm terribly messy and throw them all over the place XP You can see my whole gallery of suckage on the last page of my fan art portfolio, if you have masochistic tendencies and the one above wasn't enough for you 8D

Gripes about old fanart:
- Broom hair. 'Nuff said.
- OMG THOSE EYES. They're gonna haunt me in my sleeep ;___; Freddy ain't got nuthin' on me!
- Man hands.
- Twisted ankles.
- Knife bow.
I kinda like the legs tho 8D

I colored it so you wouldn't have to see my crappy sketch Nvm, here it is, might as well shame me until the end: le sketch. You can see the original one on the left in all of its glory here - I can't believe I actually submitted it to TheO. I wanted to use the outlines in the sketch originally, but I finally got pissed with cleaning it up so much, so I traced them.

My reaction to seeing them side by side.

Progress pics:
Outline - thicker outlines on the outside, thinner ones on the inside. Creepy blank eyes.
Outfit - basic coloring. Eyes are still dead.
Skin - basic coloring. Eyes are still dead.
Hair - basic coloring. Eyes are still dead.
Close-up. Eyes are still de- ho' shizz, they aren't! :o
Basic coloring - complete.
Skin - moar coloring.
Hair + outfit - moar coloring
Skin - advanced shading. OMG I actually got the lips right! Oh, and moar outfit shading (skirt).

Hair - advanced shading. Moar touch-ups.

Moar details!
# of layers / PSD file size: 55 / 6.31 MB
When I was finishing it, Moonlight Densetsu came up on Winamp's shuffle 8D
You can see what I was listening to if you look on the bottom right of the screen, above the taskbar :D
I'm supposed to be studying for an exam o3o Ah screw that, this is more productive.
EDIT: the full-sized 2011 drawing is here~

Thank you for your comments/views/favs/hugs/rotten tomatoes and/or fruit, they're all very appreciated :D

Sailor Moon Fan Art
after, before, rei, rei hino, sailor mars, super sailor mars
19 votes thumb
11 members Favoritefavorite
enkichan Rainbow Dragon BabyD swizzledhazelnut byakuyarox1 Ilovebadboys Morbid Dollie Oasaka45656 Angel Zakuro SakuraDust
Member Dedication
Before and After
Sourced By
~I'm A Dreamer~ ~Rainbow Dragon

You're allowed to use this piece for your wallpapers and ecards if you: (1) paste this page's URL when you submit them and (2) agree not to upload your new work outside theOtaku.com


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