SaxGirl (Fan Art Portfolio) Purity

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Don't ask me where the inspiration came from, cause I have absolutely no ideaC: It just popped into my head yesterday and I HAD to draw this

As for why I think this depicts purity (yep guys, another challenge entry)... First of all, the girl has a peaceful expression on her face, which means there aren't any harmful things around to trouble her. Plus she's in a kind of meditative state, which - according to Buddhists - is a very pure state of mind. Secondly; a flower is often thought of as a beautiful and pure object, especially the lotus flower. Also, the magic whirling about the girl and the flower is white - which is also a colour of purity. AND, I just found out that in some countries, red is the colour of purity; for instance: in India, red is the most common colour for wedding dresses:P (Now ain't that convenient?xD - Wikipedia FTW lol)

Technical stuff:
- Hair is difficult x) Does it look alright?
- Folds in fabric are also difficult.
- First time drawing make-up!:P (It's glitter make-up, too!xD) LOL
- I felt like the dress needed some sort of texture because otherwise the image felt too 'flat' for me, if you know what I mean:3
- I did try to use as little flat colours as possible - more brushwork and less dodging and burning. Yup, trying that more often now:) I hope there's enough shading this timeX3

Feedback, as always, is VERY much appreciated! <333

Time taken: about 7 hours
Done in: PS 6.0 with tablet
Silk texture by FantasyStock on dA
Dedicated to: CleaversForKids, for hosting the challenge!^^


Personal Fan Art
black, challenge, challenge entry, cherry blossom, cleaversforkids, dress, entry, flower, girl, hair, innocence, kimono, lotus, meditation, petals, pure, purity, red, sakura, saxgirl, white
15 votes thumb
8 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
PURE [Innocence]
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