moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Art Trade with FallenAngel 01 (Ace)

Art Trade with FallenAngel 01 (Ace)
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Hello! :D I did an art trade with FallenAngel 01. She asked me to draw her character Ace.

This was pretty fun to draw, despite Ace standing in a pose I don't normally draw. I've been trying to work on better posing, lately. xD Interesting poses are so difficult...
Something I noticed is that I'm better at drawing poses when I'm doodling or drawing small pictures. :0 I wonder why that is?

I liked how Ace's hair looked in the sketch better than how it looks inked. D: WHY. WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN.
Line arts always look worse than the sketch for me. orz
Except for one time, where I liked the line art better than the sketch... BUT ONLY ONCE.
Hm. My inking pens are also running out of ink. D: I wish there was a pen that never ran out of ink. xD THAT'D BE AMAZING... *¬*

Anyways, thanks for asking me to do this art trade with you, FallenAngel 01! :D It was lots of fun. I'll definitely color this if I find time. :)

Check out FallenAngel's half of the art trade: [click]

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
Ace, art trade, black and white, FallenAngel 01, line art, Lineart, lollipop
17 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
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