First of all, LOL THESE TWO ARE NOT NAKED. They got their undies on. I just didn't upload that part 'cause I'm bad at drawing legs. OKIE? TEE HEE.
Secondly, I've come to the realization that I'm a disgusting individual. I went to the drive-in to see X-Men: First Class again only to find that I'm paying attention for hints of homolust between all male characters. THERE WAS SO MUCH.
So it's about 4AM right now, and I couldn't go to sleep until I did some sort of sick piece of art for my new OTP, Charles and Erik. Their pretty faces/jawlines were vectored and everything else was pretty much so modeled from this image. I used the pencil tool~ WHEEE SCRIBBLES!
I am disgusted with myself. I'm going to sleep now.