Bluesen (Fan Art Portfolio) Tristan the Togekiss Revisited

Tristan the Togekiss Revisited
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My ikkle Togekiss Gijinka~!!

He's a little bit of a freak, but we love him anyway (Think of Ayame from Fruits Basket--You basically get Triston. XD )

Name: Tristan
Pokemon: Togekiss
Age: 22
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 123 lbs
Type: Normal/Flying
Type of Pokemon: Jubliee Pokemon
Ability: Serene Grace
Attacks: Extreme Speed, Fly, Sky Upper Cut, Arial Ace, Attract, Flash
Hometown: Grew up as a young Togepi with Team Rocket at one of thier bases in Johto
Personality: (Again, see top comment.) Tristan often has creepy tendicies twords others of the male category, and mostly seems in a pleasant mood. He's a bit of a drama king and/or queen (whatever he feels best suits him at the time XD) but likes to be serious once in a while. He's an incurable flirt and flaunts it proudly in the way he talks and acts, thinking that he honestly is royalty that must be pampered (thanks to the jerks at Team Rocket). But when it comes down to it, he's a feirce fighter and won't give up easily.
Other: When he's walking around, his wings are this size, but when he's fighting or flying they expand to his thighs and widen out

This is kind of a redesign of him that I did before with the same character, but the outfit being a bit more sleek and porfessional from the original. And yeah, he's a little bit like Chii, but more of the flaunt pretty boy guy than a gentlemen, y'know?

Original --->

<33~~ And I don't really care if people don't like Togekiss, but it's so fluffy and cute how could you not??? 8D

And next up-- Chess the Cherubi and Vincent the Vanillite Gijinka'd!!

Thank you for looking, please leave a comment if you'd like (Triston would appreciate a little rping maybe XD) but please just remember this artwork belongs to BLUESEN the creator, and the design belongs to me also. The Pokemon Togekiss belongs to Nintendo.



Pokemon Fan Art
blue, bluesen, flying, gijinka, kawaii, love, normal, pokemon, togekiss, togekiss gijinka, tristan
8 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
littlepooch aoneko DeidaraNarutoClan animelover7310 Eneko Kitty K.O.
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