Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Simone&Praskevy

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For ICHiTa's challenge 'Draw Me My Etique~'. I drew her characters Simone and Praskevy Surcorde. I was originally just going to do Simone, but then I read that he loved his little brother Praskevy, so I decided they would have to be in the same picture together.

I'm happy that it's finally done! ^ ^

I tried a different style of colouring on the hair...and I have to say, I really like it. Just needs a little tweaking here and there and for the rest of the body to match...XD

Oh, and I coloured their skin REALLY weird...or I just messed up on it...either way, their faces scare me...TT^TT Oh, and you can obviously see I messed up on Praskevy's face...I'm so sorry...TT^TT When I inked it I just had holes for his eyes in the sketch so I had to draw them while I was inking and this was on a bad inking day/drawing day so it ended up bad..'orz

Also, I dunno if they have magic...but it fit with the picture...XD

And I was proud of Praskevy's hand, but I covered it up...TT^TT WAI!! TT^TT XD

I dunno if I did the ear things that etiques have right...or...if I did any of the designing right...O.o; And neither of them have eyebrows 'cause I always forget to draw eyebrows because I thought it would add a bit of uniqueness. Their hair is in different kinds of purples 'cause not every sibling has the exact same coloured hair as their brother/sister.

Anyways, before I talk 10x more, please enjoy! XD

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
ichita, praskevy, simone, surcorde
18 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
NadjaWolf Neon Covered Goth moonlit dream IChiTa Blood Moon Wolf Kitty K.O. byakuyarox1 Tayeta Hanako Sho
Member Dedication
Draw Me My Etique~
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