Art funk broken by drawing this for the "Design A Prince" Challenge. Hooray.
Name: Makram Hasan
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Likes: Reading, linguistics, and fishing. He better like fishing, living in an island country...
Dislikes: Hats, onions, being told has an odd taste in women.
(Alright, how to sort all this out...)
Makram is the upcoming ruler to the island nation of Issys, though both his parents are still around so it's not on the forefront of his mind. Although raised for the duty, he is reserved and polite, and not one to boast his personal accomplishments. He seems to suffer from a minor bipolar disorder, as he has a history of slipping into manic, out-of-control swings and then switching into lulls of silence. He has a tendency to say things without realizing the impact his words have on others, mostly because he means one thing when speaking another.
Despite all this, he understands his responsibilities and the duties he holds, which is why he doesn't oppose the arranged marriage he's in. But spoiler alert, he ends up with someone else, because this is fantasy.
Why The Outfit:
Okay, so, this fantasy world Makram belongs to has him belonging to an island nation located on the equator. It's sort of like Hawaii but with larger land masses, and contains this weird mish-mash of Italian and Egyptian cultures. That sounds so hokey, I know. Technically speaking, his native tongue is Italian (but not called Italian, obviously). Ceremonial dress is based on stuff ancient Egyptians wore. You know. Sorta.
See, I really just like to draw things without thinking of much else.