Joseph: Don't go, Cecero.
Cecero: But the nightingale has stopped singing.
Joseph: Just for today, pretend you never heard the song end.
These two are just so amazing! :love: I love them so much! Ah, in case you don't know, these are Sisero's characters from her book, Sacred! They are just the most precious, ah, I can't form words on just how amazing they are! I didn't do them justice, so you have to go check out her gallery to see them in full glory!
Liz uses a lot of symbolism in her art and my favorite one she uses is the nightingale, so I was inspired to do this after seeing her piece "Nightingale's Song"
I tried challenging myself with the background. At first it was going to be white with a glow behind them, but then I was like it turned out like this.
I tried to keep the hair in control, but I just love flowy things OTL
Med: quill and ink, crayola watercolor, and white acrylic
Please respect my artwork! Do not claim and don't copy or post without my permission. Thank you~
Joseph and Cecero (c) Lizbeth R. Jimenez