Love Breaks (Fan Art Portfolio) Something Sad

Something Sad

Ah, I can explain...maybe.

So recently I've been reading Oliver Twist since I've wanted to for a while but kept forgeting. But, since I was volunteering at the library over the summer, I saw it on the shelf and thought I could just borrow it.

I must say, GOSH DARN YOU PUFFIN CLASSICS! You always make a fool of me. (To skip rant, go to last four-two "paragraphs")

Last year I read The Prince and the Pauper for english and I bought it from Barnes and Noble. There was only one left so I was really excited. I really like the way it was written (I love Mark Twain) and I was enjoying it very much, until someone pointed out to me that it was the "abridged version". AHHHHH.

The whole time people were like, "Is that at our reading level" and I was like, "YES, it was on the reading list. Get off my back and focus on your own lives and stop making me feel like an idiot." But when I realised that it was the abridged version I started thinking that they were kind of right and it bugged the hell out of me. I really hate it when people talk down to me. Can't stand it.

So, this was sort of the same thing where I was really getting into the story and thought that it was well written when I realised it was Puffin Classics and the abriged version.

Honestly, when I read The Prince and the Pauper I only noticed one difference. They left out a song in the abridged version, but the rest of it was worded the same. So I suppose I'm not missing out on too much, but it still pisses me off. I'm like halfway through so I don't want to just stop...

Anyways, I drew this because half the time when I'm reading Oliver Twist I'm thinking, people, please chill. Do you really get so much pleasure out of beating up on little kids. Seriously, stop.

I have trouble reading more than a few chapters at a time because of this. Don't get me wrong, I like it a lot, but it's a bit hard to take in all at once.

This is for Kathy since when she saw this in homeroom, she was saying, "Awww" and I was pretty confused, but then she said that she thought he was happy and smiling but when she turned it toward herself she flipped out.

I don't really draw depressing stuff much, but I think it came out pretty well. I might have had too much fun creating the wound and the black eye, just because it required a bit of blending.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
boy, ripped, sad, shirt, texture, tortured, wound
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3 members Favoritefavorite
vdr-07 SaiKat Neko Hikaru
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