Kami-chan.x3 (Fan Art Portfolio) My Desk... 'Nuff Said.

My Desk... 'Nuff Said.
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Kami-chan.x3's Desk
That's me. lol. Not that you didn't know. Just sayin'. I'll stop now.

1. Monitor: My dad gave me his computer and monitor a few weeks ago (he's getting a new Apple computer). It's pretty big! I used to have a Toshiba laptop up until then. The desktop wallpaper I have is from here: .

2. Mouse: Logitech mouse and charger. From my dad as well.

3. Tablet: BAMBOO FUN! Yay.

4. Vongola Box & Ring: I love this. I cutted it out then glued it together some months ago. You can find it here: .

5. Shojo Beat Magazines: I have 8 in total. One even from June 2007. I'm sad they don't sell Shojo Beat magazines anymore.

6. OTAKU USA & NEO Magazines: OH. EM. GEE. I LOVE THESE MAGS. I buy them every month.

7. Magnet Board: I have some Naruto and Bakugan (stole the Bakugan from my brother) magnets. And other stuff...

8. Lucky Stars & Tsuna Cut-out: AWWW!! Tsuna! Anyways, I love making paper lucky stars, so I put them in a jar. Cute, right? I haven't made much yet. You can find the Tsuna Cut-out here: .

9. COPICs & "The Sacred Blacksmith" DVD: I got the COPICs like 3-4 years ago. I still use them. I got the TSB DVD for free. Never had the chance to watch it yet.

10. Panda + Green Cat: I got these kawaii items from a Farmer's Market. I rub the green marble the cat is holding for good luck everyday.

This was really fun to make. The pictures were taken from my iPhone. Oh, and the Haruhi Suzumiya poster was a gift from my friend. She's soooo nice!!

Made on Photoshop.


Personal Fan Art
computer, desk, theotaku
13 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
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