Ryo or Demon (Fan Art Portfolio) Jade Abyss

Jade Abyss
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I have no idea why, but about a week ago I was stricken with this image, and it took me a week to finish it T_T Is how much time I spent, looking over every detail like a meticulous perfectionist.

I ALMOST made the background a blood-red color, but I figured the green would blend better than complimentary colors. I didn't want very high contrast, I just hope it isn't TOO green. >< It's my favorite color, so I have terrible judgment on that. Any criticisms are appreciated. I feel like I haven’t been drawing enough lately…almost didn’t do my online Japanese test on time because of this too T_T

The background is pretty much all watercolors (the paper REALLY isn't meant for inks or watercolors, but I somehow kept it from crumbling apart on me) and Ryo himself is all prismacolor pencils. I really enjoyed working on this, I just wish I had finished it sooner T_T And I feel it is still lacking, but I really can't tell. >< This might have something to do where BAHD is at the moment. But the next chapter is almost done, I didn't finish it yet because I was working on this >>

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
abyss, bahd, demon, jade, ryo
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