twilight samurai (Fan Art Portfolio) Golden Team

Golden Team
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So this is one of my teams for Pokemon Gold. I like to have a nice spread of types and abilities, nice and balanced. Unfortunately, Pokemon Gold is the only installment of Pokemon I own, which I'm not too bothered by that.

It's been ages since I've played the game, so I don't recall all their nicknames exactly. My Pokemon pals are as follows:

  • Feraligatr - One of my favorite water types, next to Blastoise. He tends to be goofy outside the arena, and he loves to eat.
  • Ho-Oh - I have a fascination for the phoenix, so my Ho-Oh was always on my team! He tends to be aloof yet very loyal.
  • Haunter: Love this ghost guy! I taught him some psychic moves for the fun of it. My Haunter would goof off with Feraligatr, disappearing here and there, probably getting into trouble when I'm not around.
  • Arcanine: I think I called him Blazer or something. Very loyal and loves to be by my side. Man's best friend!
  • Victreebel: My Victreebel likes to sleep. Don't know why, but she'd use her own sleep powder on herself. xD
  • Noctowl: This is my special Noctowl; he's the rare type that sparkles. 8D I called him Nightwing.

About the trainer:
Name: Sarah (She's supposed to represent me in some ways...)
Age: 18 (Younger than I am now...alas...)
Gender: Female (durr...)
Hair & Eye color: Brown (mine's dark brown)
Height: 5'5.5"
Personality: Likes to be challenged and doesn't like to lose, smart but not an expert, can be easily frustrated, caring and outgoing (although I'm not always outgoing...)

I'm going to try to work on another rendition of this...

Pokemon Fan Art
arcanine, feraligatr, haunter, ho-oh, noctowl, pokemon, twilight samurai, victreebel
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11 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
So You Wanna Be A Master?
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