HawaiianBabidoll (Fan Art Portfolio) Little Ham

Little Ham
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First, I apologize the image is so dark. The paper I used was 18 by 24 inches, so I had to use my camera and photograph it instead of scanning it.


This is a drawing of my cat, Whiskers. She was a little ham, always posing for pictures and making cute faces for the camera...or being weird.

She drank out of the toilet, stole the dog's treats, kicked the dog out of bed, greeted me when I came home from school, only yowled in the places she knew her voice would echo, opened the container with cat food even when there was food in her dish, came, sat, and jumped on command, and always cuddled up to me when she knew I felt bad. She stole my hotdog right out of my hand before, dipped her paws in people's cups to taste whatever they were drinking, and loved to rub her soft tabby head against people's hands to make them pet her.

She opened my door at night and snuck in all the time. I'd wake up with her either at the foot of my bed, or curled against my side. She loved to play and was a little suck up to new faces. Even people who said they hated cats made an exception for her, claiming she didn't count or that she was a dog disguised as a cat.

We got her when I was just a baby, so I honestly don't remember my childhood without her in it. She was abandoned as a kitten and was brought in to the police. They were going to put her down, so we stepped in and took her home instead.

She died a week before school ended in 2010 from old age. I was a mess for a few days after that, and sometimes it still hurts to think about her. I'll admit, there was a part of me that ached when I was detailing her face in the above image. I was never as affected by a pet death as I was by hers.

You can probably guess why we named her Whiskers.

Medium: Pencil

RIP Whiskers. She will never be forgotten.

Personal Fan Art
cat, feline, real, tabby, whiskers
19 votes thumb
14 members Favoritefavorite
Eneko xrogue kitsunex itemilicious Otomi Babii MangaKid kita mikichi animegirl171 Heartstop Ikemarth kennysama PokeDaBear
Member Dedication
Draw and Impress
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