
Title Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal)
Birthday 08/22/96
Member Since 11/27/10
Guestbook 257 signatures
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Gifts Kazamas-Keyblade: Haps 2 u Groovy Boar: Happy birthday to you! *hugs* LightFykki: Happy birthday Ana!^^ Groovy Boar: Happy birthday! : Congrats on winning caption battle 1# ^^ ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year's! :D Lucy77: Sretan Bozic!^^ kita mikichi: Congrats on your promotion! ItachiSasuke: Tis been a while since I sent you some! LightFykki: Happy wishy-washy day of your life! :P LightFykki: Here is a chocolate brick for you b-day! ItachiSasuke: Lol x2! THANKS FOR BEING A SWEET FRIEND ItachiSasuke: I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY! ItachiSasuke: I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY! ItachiSasuke: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANA CHAN!! <3 ^°^ LightFykki: They are quite tasty though! (thanks) :) LightFykki: I do have to share some of these with yu : Congrats! You came 1st! ^-^ : Thanks for participating! ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year's! :D ItachiSasuke: HEARTS FOR YOU!! *Throw confetti* ItachiSasuke: Random gift! Have an awesome day! :D enkichan: thanks for entering on my challenge LightFykki: Happy and beloved birthday Ana~! ^_^ ItachiSasuke: I love you so much-have a blast girl! :D ItachiSasuke: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANA!! :D <3 Kazamas-Keyblade: Happy Birthday to ya ItachiSasuke: Happy Easter Ana-chan! <3 *hugs* ItachiSasuke: Be mine! Happy Valentine's<3     ^O^ ItachiSasuke: :D ANA!! It's been too long!<3 Lucy77: Sretan Boži�! Sve najbolje~ <3 ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas Ana!<3 *hugs* Love you! kita mikichi: Congrats on Your Promotion! ItachiSasuke: Happy Halloween to you Ana-chan~!<3 ItachiSasuke: Happy Halloween to you Ana-chan~!<3 ReiKiba: Happy belated birthday! >w< LightFykki: H-A-P-P-Y  B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y  A-N-A NoirAngel: Happy Birthday! ^__^ ItachiSasuke: For being a sweet friend :) You da best~ ItachiSasuke: May all your wishes come true! Love you! ItachiSasuke: I hope you have a super amazing day~<3 ItachiSasuke: Happy Birthday ANA~! *huggles* Have fun! rose line: happy birthday ~ Blue Latte: Happy Birthday!! Valerie014: Happy birthday! Best wishes to you! :D Thiefspawn: thanks for the sub =) : congrats on second place!!!! ItachiSasuke: Sending you some good ol' Otaku <3! ^O^ ItachiSasuke: Just felt like sending a ~<3 your way ^^ chocolatemud: thank you for entering my challenge ^.^ ItachiSasuke: Wishing you peace, joy & <3 this Easter SweeTea: CONGRATULATIONS!! ^_~ Enjoy~! Kami-chan.x3: Thank you, and happy st. pat's day! <3 ItachiSasuke: More <3's for you! Love you lots ^__^ <3 LightFykki: Happy Valentine's day Ana-chan!  ^-^ Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's Day! <3 DistantStar: HAPPY HAPPY V-TINE'S DAY!!!! :) <333 ItachiSasuke: Happy Valentine's Day Ana! <3's U Lots! ItachiSasuke: Annnnna~<3 Random giftie :3 : Thanks! LightFykki: Splaaaaash... Be good my friend!! ^-^ ItachiSasuke: You are a WONDERFUL FRIEND~<3 LDODODDODO NoirAngel: Hope you had a great Christmas ^__^ Hanaro Souhi: Thanks, A-chan! Merry Christmas too! X3 BabyD: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ^__^ HotRamen2Go009: Merry Christmas! Have a good one Lucy77: Congrats on promotion!^^ � Lucy77: Sretan Bozic i tebi! *hugs back* <3 <3 Blue Latte: Merry Christmas ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas! Best wishes to you~! :D kita mikichi: Congrats on Your Promotion! DistantStar: Merry early X-mas!! :) Party lots<333 ItachiSasuke: For you Ana~! Hope everything's going OK Lucy77: Random gift! Panda for you <3 ItachiSasuke: Hope you have a ~Happy Halloween~! >3 ItachiSasuke: I love them both very much~~~ ^___^ ItachiSasuke: Thank you for the lovely dedications! :D LightFykki: Bananko banana moja je hrana, ban... :P ItachiSasuke: Roses & hearts are the best<3 thank you! ItachiSasuke: Ana~<3 A heart full of love for you~ =D LightFykki: Thank you for everything by now! ^_^ ItachiSasuke: Good luck in school Ana~! ^__^ LightFykki: A "sort of" good luck charm. :P unknowndoll: pocela je skola pa ti evo tekaa <3 ItachiSasuke: For your kind words ^__^ ItachiSasuke: Yup. Just thought I'd let you know~~ ItachiSasuke: You are SOO AMAZING! ^___________^ unknowndoll: jaje od piaaaaa iiiiiii :3 Kaerlyn: Happy belated birthday! ^^ NoirAngel: Happy Birthday! ^_^ Hanaro Souhi: Happy Birthday! ^ w ^ *hugs* DistantStar: HAPPY B-DAYZ! PAR-TEH Lots! <3333 Aria Sky: Happy Birthday! :DD Kiiika: happy birthday!! ^^ : happy birthday ani! have a great time!:D LightFykki: Ah still, happy birthday one more time^^ LightFykki: Maybe you like pandas more? :3 Lucy77: happy birthday to you! <3 :* Lucy77: happy birthday dear Ana, Lucy77: happy birthday to you, Lucy77: Happy birthday to you, ItachiSasuke: Have a Blast, you always deserve it! :D ItachiSasuke: Thank you for being there for me ^__^ ItachiSasuke: AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH *HUGGLES* ItachiSasuke: You are a WONDERFUL FRIEND~<3 ItachiSasuke: Muhahaha, it makes up for last year ;__; ItachiSasuke: A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANA! <3 ItachiSasuke: I WILL BE THE FIRST TO WISH YOU LightFykki: Happy happy happeh birthday Ana! ^__^ ItachiSasuke: Random but True: I LOVE YOU! *HUGGLES* unknowndoll: I LOVE inu x boku ss .hvala <3 unknowndoll: kekiiii :3 unknowndoll: crtaj droljo crtaaj unknowndoll: crtaj droljo crtaaj unknowndoll: jel ovo visnja ili trisnja ? unknowndoll: ruza da se ubodes unknowndoll: evo ti i metla unknowndoll: višticeee !!!! unknowndoll: sawwrsheno crtas unknowndoll: ovo ti je da se udebljas jos :) unknowndoll: ovo L voliiiiiiiii <3 unknowndoll: jagoda jer je L drzi u ruci na slici unknowndoll: KUTIJOOOO <3 unknowndoll: bockaj me dušo , bockaj me ti ;* unknowndoll: ovaj pas je UTEKOO!!!! ItachiSasuke: Thank you for being the bestest ever! XD ItachiSasuke: Congrats on your promotion! ^__^ Hanako Sho: Congrats on the promotion! >w< angluvdeath: thanks for the subs : .3. i wanted to send all the animals :D : YOU WIN!! <3 :D : YOU WIN!! <3 :D : YOU WIN!! <3 :D : YOU WIN!! <3 :D Lucy77: Banana for Ana xD ItachiSasuke: Just to send you a little something ^__^ ItachiSasuke: Thank you for joining pchat with meh!~<3 LightFykki: P:  *gives you one* Tabete imasu ka? LightFykki: I think that you know why... ;P unknowndoll: zivin u nadi da ces mi vratit negimu :) Lucy77: so I decided to send you two cookies <3 Lucy77: long time no sending you gift!^^ unknowndoll: super crtaš <3 ^^ ItachiSasuke: Congrats on honorary mention! ItachiSasuke: Because you're amazing & I miss you! <3 unknowndoll: presavršeno crtaš X MAGE X: Happy belated Easter >.< Lucy77: Happy Easter! Star Crossed: Happy Easter to you too! :D fma17: Happy Easter! :) JanetChan: Thank you sweetie <3 DistantStar: Happy Easter Dear! :) Hanaro Souhi: Thank you!Happy Easter too!^ w ^ Blue Latte: Happy Easter!!! ItachiSasuke: Happy Easter! Blessings to you~<3 ^__^ Lucy77: Tenks!^^ xD Lucy77: No, you won't! I'll hide it :P cazzmataz: Thanks for subbing :) Lucy77: cause you don't have cool panda USB xD ItachiSasuke: Thank you for always being sweet~<3 unknowndoll: jesam super je Lucy77: ozdravi brzo! <3 Lucy77: panda for you :) Lucy77: Baba stvarno nista nije vidjela :P unknowndoll: a gift for you XD unknowndoll: cake ^^ LightFykki: Random... hides it behind his back. >:) Lucy77: a gift for you :D Lucy77: za zemljopis...u boj, u boj ;) unknowndoll: To draw better Lucy77: trešnjica za tebe ;) Lucy77: za srecu na likovnom! :) LightFykki: to say that you have one from me.... xD LightFykki: I just noticed pandas as your gifts, so MiseryMiss: Happy Valentine's :) ItachiSasuke: Happy Valentine's Day Ana~<3 ^__^ Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's day! MangaKid: Happy Valentine's 2 u 2! *hugs* fma17: Happy Valentine's Day :) LightFykki: Happy Valentine's day Ana!!      ^___^ Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's day NoirAngel: Thank you for the dedication ^__^ Enigmatic Turk: Thanks for taking part in my Challenge! Lucy77: bunny for you!^^ : no problem ^^ ItachiSasuke: Thank you for being my partner ^__^ ~~<3 LightFykki: A evo tebi za sto brze ozdravljenje! :3 LightFykki: To je taj mali poklon sto sam poslao. :) Lucy77: come to the bad side, we have cookies ;P LadyDragonEye: Thanks for your entry~! (Ita-chan) ^__^ ItachiSasuke: You're too sweet ^__^ <3 *Pokes* Kazamas-Keyblade: Happy New Year ItachiSasuke: Congrats on your promotion! ^__^ <3 Hulaberry32: Congrats on the promotion!:3 kobato chii: Merry Christmas 2 A-chan!!!! ^_^ Blue Latte: Merry Christmas!! :D fma17: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! ;) ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas & all the best in 2012~! NoirAngel: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  ^^ ItachiSasuke: RANDOMNESS <3 MISS YOU LOTS ;D ItachiSasuke: Thanks for your entry in my challenge~! Kazamas-Keyblade: Thanksgiving LightFykki: And because of that, here is one! ^_^ LightFykki: But I still have enough, mwahaha! :P LightFykki: You are right.... we do have less. XD dusktilldawn713: thanx for subbing :D ItachiSasuke: Just saying heyo again ^_^ Miss YA~! XD Broken Silent: Won my challenge :) Broken Silent: you Broken Silent: congrats LightFykki: Well you are smart like that! :D LightFykki: Well should I reconsider? ;) LightFykki: Hehe well thank you.^^ Here's one.. :)) LightFykki: Hvala.^^ Evo jedna za pravu umjetnicu.^^ LightFykki: Ja mislio da pise Ezel ko ona serija  XD LightFykki: Because sushi is tasty! :D Haha. xD LightFykki: Then what about this one? X3 LightFykki: I don't know that was random.. xD Thanks LightFykki: You get this!! Think why.. xDD LightFykki: Haha, you are funny, you know that.^^ LightFykki: Congrats smartie! ;) ItachiSasuke: So here's a GIANT HUGGGGGGGLLLLLLLLEEEEE ItachiSasuke: AHEM. Now it's HUGGGLLLEEE TIMEEE!!! <3 ItachiSasuke: PLEASE FORGIVE MY LATENESS T^T *BOWS* ItachiSasuke: THAT I AM SO LUCKY TO HAVE!!!! <333333 ItachiSasuke: YOU ARE AN AMAING FRIEND!!! <333333333 ItachiSasuke: But wait for the late bday dedication! ItachiSasuke: I just got back today and I saw D: ItachiSasuke: Now I feel really bad that I missed it ItachiSasuke: I AM SO SORRY FOR MISSING YOUR BDAY!!! ItachiSasuke: Happy Belated Birthday ANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ReiKiba: Happy Birthday n have a nice day! C; : Happy Birthday!! Hevn: Hey!^_^ Happy Birthday! :) TwinkLes: Happy Birthday :D Kaerlyn: hope you had a lovely birthday~! soldierofthedark: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope it's awesome fma17: Happy Birthday! Hope you like cake :) chocolatemud: a panda for you! and thanks for the sub chocolatemud: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  >.< Hanako Sho: Happy Birthday! ^_^ Make a wish :3 : Happy birthday :D LightFykki: Happy birthday!!!!!!!! ^-^ Coolieo: Happy Birthday:) NoirAngel: Happy Birthday! ^_^ Ritona: Happy birthday! AnnaKanda: Congrats on second place! Great work! ItachiSasuke: Okies, one more...just because ^_^ <3 ItachiSasuke: Yeah randomness! XD See you! :D ItachiSasuke: bunnies don't they? D: ItachiSasuke: a chocolate bunny to eat...sometime... ItachiSasuke: to give you some...and I also have ItachiSasuke: saw a bunny outside today and I decided ItachiSasuke: I'm not random, I swear! X3 I actually ItachiSasuke: Here's some chocolate bunnies for you~! X MAGE X: Thanks for the sub :D ItachiSasuke: Thank you for entering my challenge! ^_^ : :) ItachiSasuke: you'll make next ^_^ So yay promotion :) ItachiSasuke: I can't wait to see what challenges ItachiSasuke: You deserve it sooooooooo much :3 ItachiSasuke: promotions! ^_^ BUT ANYWAYS CONGRATS!!!! ItachiSasuke: earlier, I didn't get a chance to check ItachiSasuke: I'm sorry for not sending you a gift ItachiSasuke: Congrats on the promotion! ^_^ ItachiSasuke: Congrats on your latest challenge win! ItachiSasuke: AND, one more cookie for you too! XD ItachiSasuke: Thank you for being an amazing friend!!! ItachiSasuke: I think that's kind of cool, don't you? ItachiSasuke: Yes, it is like the dalmations isn't it? ItachiSasuke: Thank you for asking!! I misses you too! ItachiSasuke: Mmm, thanks for the cookies! ;D I'm good LightFykki: Can't never get enough of sweets. xD : Congrats on winning the challenge! : Congrats on winning the challenge! : Congrats on winning the challenge! apple pai: I have a pie 4 u cuz m an apple pie too. ItachiSasuke: How are you?! ;3 ItachiSasuke: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ ItachiSasuke: A ItachiSasuke: N ItachiSasuke: A ItachiSasuke: O ItachiSasuke: L ItachiSasuke: L ItachiSasuke: E ItachiSasuke: H ItachiSasuke: AND THE LAST ONE!!! ^_^ YAY!!!! ItachiSasuke: 2 more stwaberries :3 ItachiSasuke: And 3 more because stwaberries are good! ItachiSasuke: Muhahahahahahahaha *cough* Ahem ItachiSasuke: ATTACK OF THE STWABERRIES!!! >:D ItachiSasuke: and deserve lots and lots :3 YAY!!!!!!!! ItachiSasuke: Cause you're an AWESOME friend ^_^ ItachiSasuke: And red and bright and yummy :D ItachiSasuke: With you! ^_^ Cause they're yummy! :) ItachiSasuke: Stwaberries! And I wanted to share some ItachiSasuke: Heyo~ I was just eating some wonderful ItachiSasuke: And here's another cupcake XD ItachiSasuke: ...So COME BACK Soon, Okies? :3 ItachiSasuke: But, I REALLY REALLY MISS YOU!!!!!! ItachiSasuke: Though you're probably busy with school ItachiSasuke: Just cause you haven't been on lately Kirarichan: Thank you~ ^^ mewnicole: TOKYO MEW MEW quiz Morbid Dollie: Thanks for caring <3~ ItachiSasuke: WELCOME BACK ANA!! I MISSES YOU!! XD ItachiSasuke: With a Stwaberry on top! ^_^ ItachiSasuke: And Icecream! XD (the best combo) ItachiSasuke: A Cookie for you ^_^ nirvana donut: thanks for your entry!!! ItachiSasuke: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE AVATARS! I<3them! ecnelisterger: ^_^ Happy Easter~~~ ItachiSasuke: ~HAPPY EASTER MY FRIEND! <(^_^)> Yammi chan: Happy Easter =^___~= : Happy Easter! ^_^ Star Crossed: Happy Easter! ^.^ Hevn: Ohh, Happy Easter to you!XD :D Hevn: Aww, thanks so much! ur sweet!x3 ^_^ ShiningHime: Happy Easter Anna Chan! <33 mewnicole: Happy Easter Timcanpy14: Happy Easter~ Blue Latte: Happy Easter!! :D Kiiika: happy easter! *-* ItachiSasuke: continue to create new works! ^_^ ItachiSasuke: Thanks for entering my challenge, may mewnicole: won a anime quiz mewnicole: won a quiz game mewnicole: won a Quiz game jikosangel: thanks for entering my 2nd challenge!! envythejealous: Thanks for entering my challenge! Hevn: Thank you, for subscribing!!!^__^ diamond9393anda: Thanks for entering my challenge twice^^ diamond9393anda: Thank you for entering my challenge ^^ : Thank you for subbing! ^_^ : Thanks for entering! ~Bou AnnaKanda: Thanks for subbing back! Lets chat soon! kobato chii: Arigato...^ ^ Aiden Elric: happy valentines day!! ItachiSasuke: Happy Valentine's Day my friend ^_^ Yammi chan: Happy Valentine's day ! ^^ Ritona: Happy Valentine's Day ItachiSasuke: Congrats on the challenge! Thanks ^_^ Aiden Elric: :D chrono elric: thanks for the sub xX loveless Xx: thanxs 4 the dedication! <3 !! LightFykki: Thanks for the sub! You awesome! ^__^ reichiinya: Thank you so much for the dedication! ItachiSasuke: CONGRATS ON THE PROMOTION!!!! :D : Thanks~! ;3 ecnelisterger: Congrats for the promotion! :D Quiet Noise: congrats on your promotion my friend ^^ Quiet Noise: 4my newest subscriber, thank you ^^ aminesick: Happy new years!! =D I hope it was great NoirAngel: Thank you for the dedication ^^ Haxelo: Merry Christmas!! <3 *huggles* ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas & Happy New Years! :) ItachiSasuke: Thank you for the comments/dedications! NoirAngel: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ^^ NoirAngel: Thank you for the dedication ^_^ Bleachic: Merry Christmas to you too, my friend ^^ Bleachic: Thanks for the sub, my friend *^^* Sweet Lullaby: you're welcome!Have fun + happy holidays Sweet Lullaby: thank you for the sub~! :3 ShiningHime: & Have a Merry Christmas! :3 ShiningHime: Welcome to TheO! :)
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Medals Winner - Challenge: Elements 2.0! Winner - Challenge: Give Me Details or Give Me Death! Contestant - Challenge: Fashion and Music! Winner - Challenge: Lighting The Way Contestant - Challenge: black & white Winner - Challenge: Cover design Contestant - Challenge: Winter Wonderland Contestant - Challenge: [My Life] Wallpaper Marathon VII Contestant - Challenge: Pay it Forward Contestant - Challenge: Pay it Forward Contestant - Challenge: Pay it Forward Contestant - Challenge: .•It is MY fetish•. Creator - .connected. Contestant - Challenge: AMV\'s Tribute 3! Winner - Challenge: Chinese Zodiacs Winner - Challenge: [My Life] Wallpaper Marathon VI Winner - Challenge: Draw A Time Period in Anime History Contestant - Challenge: No Face Contestant - Challenge: Couple Contestant - Challenge: [My Life] Wallpaper Marathon V Contestant - Challenge: [My Life] Wallpaper Marathon III Winner - Challenge: {{VOCALOID}} Contestant - Challenge: Save the Princess! Contestant - Challenge: Fairy Tail! Contestant - Challenge: Collaboration E-cards Contestant - Challenge: Pastries Contestant - Challenge: [My Life] Wallpaper Marathon II Winner - Challenge: [My Life] Wallpaper Marathon I Creator - .Draw the Name. Contestant - Challenge: An Image Within An Image Winner - Challenge: School Days Winner - Challenge: ~♥Forever toghether~♥ Contestant - Challenge: Draw Me My Etique~ Winner - Challenge: All You Need Is Love~! Contestant - Challenge: Animalistic Winner - Challenge: I think we're going Hogwarts! Contestant - Challenge: A Movie Poster Contestant - Challenge: dragons Winner - Challenge: Keywords Contestant - Challenge: mixed messages. Contestant - Challenge: Seasons Contestant - Challenge: Mix and Match Contestant - Challenge: Retrospect! Contestant - Challenge: EXTRA EXTRA! THE BEST THING YOU'VE NEVER SEEN Contestant - Challenge: Megane Contestant - Challenge: Megane Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: Picturing Spring Contestant - Challenge: PURE [Innocence] Contestant - Challenge: tough&rough Contestant - Challenge: Reindeer Games Contestant - Challenge: Reindeer Games Contestant - Challenge: adorable dinosaurs? Why yes Contestant - Challenge: Super Heroes Contestant - Challenge: sweet Thing Contestant - Challenge: [inspiration, magic, hope] Contestant - Challenge: Draw... Something... and Impress Me. Contestant - Challenge: Don\'t Judge A Book By Its Cover Contestant - Challenge: Spread the <3 Contestant - Challenge: { opposites attract } Contestant - Challenge: { opposites attract } Contestant - Challenge: Simple yet Beautiful Winner - Challenge: Sailor Moon Contestant - Challenge: valentines day part 2 Contestant - Challenge: Fashion Frenzy!! Winner - Challenge: Skills on the Battlefield~ Contestant - Challenge: Design Time: Album Artwork. Contestant - Challenge: Design Time: Album Artwork. Contestant - Challenge: Design Time: Album Artwork. Contestant - Challenge: Design Time: Album Artwork. Contestant - Challenge: Winter Wonderland Contestant - Challenge: Winter Wonderland Contestant - Challenge: \'Tis the Season for Dedications

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  • nirvana donut
  • Darkarax
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  • KK Slider
  • Morbid Dollie
  • Princess Yue
  • morningmusicheart
  • Kurihara Akane
  • Hanako Sho
  • IJNeptune
  • cresendo pianist
  • Ritona
  • Thiefspawn
  • nimbusoak
  • Chibianimegirl23
  • Kiiika

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  • skitty999
  • zombieusagi
  • Rainbow Dragon
  • Thiefspawn
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  • hamstergirl
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