IChiTa (Fan Art Portfolio) hatred Or Love

hatred Or Love
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Quest Hatred Or Love for Exorcist Nocturnal @ DA! XD


??? : Why do you care about me when I hate you ? I hate everyone !

Faust : O^O... B...Because i don't like being hated. So, Aoi always says that you must be caring to everyone... Including you... This is what I think is the good thing to do... *thinks for a moment* I think is the good thing to do ? *confused* What is that ? But I know I must do good things!

??? : You're weird...

Faust : I'm not weird... I'm just... confused...

??? : About what ?

Faust. : About... you. You look like Aoi, very very much. He once hated everything he have,the world,our empire, lost and confused. Like me as well... I don't know what I am...

??? : Aren't you human ?

Faust. : *shakes head* No. Aoi-sama said he found me fallen from the stars...

???: Just as I am. All I see is darkness...

Faust. : Pitch darkness... I felt it...

??? : Where ?

Faust. : *puts hand on the guy's chest* Here... Just like Aoi...

??? : I see...

Faust. : *Smiles hesitantly* Ah! This is not the exorcist place! You're in Miguel's forest so you'll be okay! O6O ;;;

??? : I see...

Faust. : Sorel...

??? : ?!

Faust. : May I call you Sorel ? O^O ;;; You... really really look like Aoi-sama ! A light in the darkness. Hope... O///O

??? : *sigh* It's fine by me...

Faust: *smiles*

Sorel : Well... let's just call me that...

Additional Notes
1. Sorel ( I named him that temporarily) comes from somewhere in the sky
2. His heart is filled with darkness
3. Sorel resembles Aoi. ( Aoi is Faust.'s mentor, a high priest who is missing )

Well, Faust has begun her friendship with him... I guess...

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
faust, green, hatres, love, or, quest
7 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
Minnano Kimochi Yaoilover223AB DeidaraNarutoClan kennysama
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