CelestialSushi (Fan Art Portfolio) Gotta Catch This Call

Gotta Catch This Call
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Hello, again!

For quite a while, when I was younger, I was really into beadwork. I've kind of fallen away from that as of late and gone more into drawing and imagery, but for a while I've really had the urge to create a work of art that wasn't 2-D.

So here's the cellphone charm I just completed; yes, it's kind of long, but I've seen some pretty big/long cellphone charms at online Japanese retailers, so it doesn't really bother me (what bothers me is that my cellphone makes it difficult to change charm straps; thank goodness for clasps!). I would consider this to be something a fashion-conscious teenage Pokemon player would have on her cellphone.

The Pokeball bead was a wooden bead that I had actually painted a few years ago with acrylic paint; the other beads were just laying around in some of my bead containers (including the really nice bead frames on the red beads). The bell at the bottom was included because a lot of Japanese cellphone charms have them (if some of them believe it's about good luck, that's not what I'm going for here; I don't want to be superstitious). The string used was embroidery floss, and the charm strap itself was found at my local Michaels craft store (I was thrilled to see packs of them there :D).

Well, with all that said, enjoy! (This seems to be a favorite ending line of mine...)

Pokemon Fan Art
bead, bell, black, CelestialSushi, cell phone, charm, embroidery, floss, glass, metal, one-of-a-kind, paint, painted, plastic, red, silver, white, wood
10 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
Kaerlyn IchigoKurusaki omnia1 Lulu Yana Oni hime pandaman08 sasuke sarutobi4
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