Bluesen (Fan Art Portfolio) ..Kikwi Cuddle..

..Kikwi Cuddle..
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Very proud of this <3333

Current obssessionn: Skyward Sword. HOLY FRICK.

Don't get me wrong, I'm totally a gamer, but after a few hours of gameplay I'm usually satisfied with my gametime and I put it up for another day. Now, with the exception of Pokemon handhelds, Skyward Sword is one of the few games in this world I CANNOT stop playing.

The humor is perfect, doesn't take away from the story--it makes the story more fresh and human! Much more delightful characters than Twilight Princess (I Love TP, by the way, but in all honestly SS is more fun to play by far). In fact, I don't believe I hate ANY of the SS characters at all, I love them all for different reasons, but all and all--they are relatable and loveable, the lot of 'em <3

One of the new races found in SS is the Kikwi race--a small bird-like people who reside in the forests of the Surface world, and can turn the bulbs on they're backs into grass to hide themselves.

In other words--So friggn' CUTE. :DDDDD Wouldn't they just be the most comfortable things to sleep on and cuddle with??? Link seems to think so lol

Just something cute I wanted to do for this incredible game, since I'm appauled at the lack of fanart on this site for it. :///

Enjoy~! <33

Please remember this artowkr belongs to ME, BLUESEN, please do NOT steal or use in ANY way. Thank you.

The characters belong to Nintendo and the creators of Legend of Zelda.

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Zelda Fan Art
Bluesen, green, Kikwi, Link, Loz, Skyward Sword, SS
18 votes thumb
14 members Favoritefavorite
perseoeandromeda LGA775 Animelgirl1981 otakufangirl omnia1 Eneko animekoibito clueless101 snow fox Lulu Yana DeidaraNarutoClan Kitty K.O. animelover7310
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