Illustration assignment, one I'm calling the "what you want do when you grow up" project. And it was pretty fun.
I like to write, and I like to draw. And I want to combine the two, but I don't want to do a comic. Comics are just not my game. So instead, I think, what if I combined the best of a novel, and the best of a comic? A...nomic?
What you get is Tatters, my plan for a fusion novel-picture book-comic. I talked about this before, right? Where words work best, they go. When a picture is needed, it goes. When a comic best conveys the story, it goes.
That is super off-track, considering I didn't even get to demonstrate that for this project, due to my lack of time. Instead you get Robyn and Tati as they appear/disappear from ripped apart seam in space. Worked a lot flatter than some of my other Photoshop attempts in order to reign myself in, sprucing it up with light effects and textures. I had a ton of fun working on it and discovering new stuff.
// Paint Tool Sai for lines, Photoshop for everything else. 7.5x11.25" at print
(Figures re-drawn 3/13.)