CelestialSushi (Fan Art Portfolio) (Spoiler?) Sketch Request #6 - Midna

(Spoiler?) Sketch Request #6 - Midna
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Hello, everyone!

Seriously, I wish I knew if this is technically a “spoiler” given that the game came out in 2006… oh well. Considering that there are people out there who haven’t played it, I’ve added the “(Spoiler?)” part to the title. Just in case.

Anyways, here's sketch number six of the ten free sketches I’m working on. In an interesting twist, LGA775 told me I could draw my favorite character :D (LGA775, I know I messaged you about this, but I hope you don’t mind that I went ahead and drew it) Now, having more than one favorite character, I had narrowed it down to about two or so choices (there were lots to pick from, but only a few quickly came to mind); what, in my mind, ultimately decided it was the ratio of guys to girls that I am/will be drawing for this. As it stands, out of 12 characters in total I plan to draw (or have already drawn), only four of them are girls. So, I decided to draw Midna from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. And the theme chosen randomly by amidakuji was “date”, so I decided to dress Midna up in something a bit fancy.

Maybe I didn’t give her any jewelry to wear, but let’s face it: those “Tron lines” on her arms are decoration enough @_@ Goodness knows they’re not completely accurate because hey, I like to draw details, but sometimes, they can get a bit too complicated to try and replicate exactly. Still, I think they turned out pretty good.

References for this pencil sketch/image included game screenshots found in the Midna image gallery on zeldawiki.org, as well as pictures taken myself of a Midna ragdoll (uploaded by FuzzyZeus to garrysmod.org) in Garry’s Mod (yikes, that model has some wonky arms… they don’t want to cooperate when you try to move them >_<).

Well, with all that said, enjoy! Next up is Starscream’s request. Look forward to it! :D

Zelda Fan Art
10, CelestialSushi, date, dress, free, Legend, LGA775, Midna, pattern, pencil, Princess, request, rose, sandal, shadow, sketch, smile, Twili, Twilight, Zelda
2 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
LGA775 eijiforever Zuzu Uchiha
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