Bluesen (Fan Art Portfolio) Darmanitan GIJINKA

Darmanitan GIJINKA
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Love this guy, mostly because it's not often that I can make a manly gijinka and make him look fantastic, that and Darmanitan has become my favorite fire type ever! (not saying much because I don't really like fire types, but I still adore them) I mean, look at those haaaaandddsss....and that NOSE.... and those eyebrows.... UNF.

Unfortunatly though, he doesn't have a name as of yet.

Suggestions would be fantastic!


Name: ???
Age: 23
Pokemon: Darmanitan
Gender: MALE
Height: 6'3''
Hair Color: Red with yellow tips
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Color: Darker Peach Tan
Likes: A good fight, strength, pranking people, weight lifting, training till he drops, training others, taunting, intimidating others
Dislikes: Weaklings, Water (rain/snow), girly things in his space, people who don't fallow the rules
Other: This darmanitan gijinka means BUSINESS. Now he'll never hurt anyone who can't fight for themselves, but he'll certainly degrade the HECK out of them. He always encourages people to push themselves past their limit, because in his mind being strong will never do you wrong in life, but sometimes his motivations can be on the rude and intimidating side. With people more his stature, he'll often challenge them to prove himself, he's not a sore loser and in fact genuinly respects those who can beat him, but if cheating is invovled... You're not going to live long.
He also likes to give people nicknames, mostly weak people, and names are mostly akin to "twig" or "pipsqueak"

Really llove this guy xD He's pretty different in looks and personality to most of my past Gijinka.

Enjoy! Remember, this art and design belong to mwah! Darmanitan belongs to the Pokemon Company


Pokemon Fan Art
bluesen, Darmanitan, darmanitan gijinka, fifth generation, fire, gijinka
9 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
XxAznSkillZXx DeidaraNarutoClan animelover7310 Eneko
Member Dedication
Pokemon Gijinkas
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