Yours Truly (Fan Art Portfolio) MLP:FIM Fire Starter

MLP:FIM Fire Starter
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I hope you guys like fan ponies!

But seriously I love drawing them. I have no idea why but it's kinda like my obsession with Tokyo Mew Mew back in the day. I love making characters based off *insert item (mostly food)*. I think that's why fandom's like these are so popular. You get to create a character on a sort of blank template with certain guide lines (that you may or may not follow) depending on which fandom you're drawing from. For some reason it opens my mind to more creative ideas based on a certain subject and getting that feeling of inspiration is pretty addictive as an artist. So yeah...

But anyway, this is Fire Starter! He's a fiery unicorn thingus *typo intended* with a cool/badass personality. He was actually inspired by my recent experience with candle making and magic. The whole process from melting the wax to staring into the flame of my first handmade candle was pretty epic, and something I'm going to continue doing. Actually, that experience alone gave me tons of inspirational ideas but I'll get into that with a world post.

Anyway, I'm off to color it and eventually post that version!

Enjoy everyone! :D

My Little Pony Fan Art
anime, candle, fire, Friendship, horse, line art, little, magic, manga, MLP, My, Pony, starter, yours truly
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