Bluesen (Fan Art Portfolio) Togekiss Gijinka Revisited 2

Togekiss Gijinka  Revisited 2
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It's him again! Tristin! (or Tristyn, Triston, Tristen..... Not really sure how I want to offically spell his name anymore for some reason xDD)

But yeah anyway, looking back on my many many MANY Gijinka I always seem to come back to him, probably because of his color palette, so I drew him up again yesterday and he looks even better than the last revision! :D

First drawing--

Last revision--

He makes me want to join PGr again ;^;


Updated Profile:

Name: Some vowel variation of the name "Triston" lol
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 133 lbs
Pokemon: Togekiss
Type: Flying/Normal
Ability: Serene Grace
Pokedex Number: 468
Attacks: Fly, Sky Uppercut, Attract, Shadow Ball, Swagger
Personality: He can be a bit of a freak sometimes, but loves to show off and egg people on to do things. He enjoys having tea parties just as much as having a good fight and fancies fashion as much as a good back and forth banter. He can be a bit bipolar at times, but mostly he's a swagger-tastic boy with a good and kind heart. He always seems to have a plan up his sleeve, and though his plans don't always work, he's determined to see his plans through. He can also be a bit of a drama queen and a prankster. Basically, he likes to have a good time and others to have a good time as well.
Loves: Fashion, a good clean brawl, flying, helping people (even when they don't ask... Especially when they don't ask), making people uncomfortable (especially guys), and making "full-proof" plans.
Hates: (not much bothers him... I'll update this later when I think of something)

Anywho, more later but for now enjoy :)))

Remember that this artwork belongs to MWAH, please do not steal or use in ANY way. Thank you.


Pokemon Fan Art
blue, bluesen, flying, gijinka, normal, pokemon, red, togekiss, togekiss gijinka, tristen, triston, tristyn
11 votes thumb
11 members Favoritefavorite
PGR Rainbow Dragon hiroshishinji RikuisHOT DeidaraNarutoClan Naomi Bear Kitty K.O. animelover7310 Eneko
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