Bluesen (Fan Art Portfolio) Icarus Archemedies the Archen

Icarus Archemedies the Archen
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I told you, I'm going to flood all your walls with Gijinkas forever xDD

(But seriously, I'm sorry I just can't stop!)

Name: Icarus Archemedies (Eh-car-us Ar-Chi-Me-Dees)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Nicknames: (He doesn't go by his full name) Icc, Arch, Iccy
Pokemon: Archen
Type: Flying/Rock
Height: 5'8''
Personality: He can be a bit of a stick in the mud, but his heart is in the right place... Most of the time. He gets easily irritated, especially when others underestimate him or make fun of him. In the end though, he's just a big softy, and when he lets that slip he quickly tries to cover it up. He cries a lot and cares for his friend deeply (since he never had any), but he hates that about himself.

Background: There are not many like him anywhere, nor does he have a family, being a fossil-based Pokemon. Icarus grew up bitter and lonely, named by human scientists after the Greek legend Icarus and the Greek scholar Archemedies... But they never had time for him unless it was research related. He grew even more bitter and eventually escaped, living on his own and dodging anyone he sees as a threat.
But in his hard heart is just a lonely kid who cares a lot.


I hope you guys enjoy him! Again he has two names, Icarus (after the Greek Legend of the Wax Wings) and Archemedies (after the Greek scholar).

Please remember that this design and artwork belong to MWAH, BLUESEN, please do not steal or use in ANY way. Thank you!

Pokemon belongs to the Pokemon Company!


Pokemon Fan Art
archen, blue, bluesen, flying, gijinka, icarus, red, rock, yellow
5 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
DeidaraNarutoClan Eneko Kitty K.O. animelover7310
Member Dedication
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This work is not available for use in other pieces


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