Chibisima (Fan Art Portfolio) Republic City: Hei

Republic City: Hei
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I recently got into a Deviantart Korra RP called Republic City and I'm pretty excited for it cause it'll help me improve on my drawing and writing skills. They needed more men so I turned Danny into a firebender. Here's the profile for the club

Name: Hei

Age: 20

Nationality: Fire Nation: Shu Jing (Outer Fire Nation Town)

Affinity (Personality): Water


Swordsmithing- Hei currently works as an assistant blacksmith in his grandfather’s shop and forges all kinds of metal objects. He prefers to forge weapons and has a great fascination with swords around the world.

Traditional Bending- He isn’t quite too fond of the modern Pro-bending style and sticks to the traditional teachings his grandfather has instilled within him since his youth. He believes that the quick, new age style cripples the raw potential of the elements and hinders the bender’s ability to land an effective hit against attackers. He never hesitates to condescend any mention of Pro-bending when given the chance.

Pai Sho- The game has become a small pastime in between all of his work and training and it always keeps his mind sharp. Unfortunately, he can never find players younger then his grandfather who tends to fall asleep mid-match anyways. Oh well : /

✔ Level-Headed| Analytical| Nostalgic| Traditional
✘ Sensitive| Compulsive| Close-minded| Secretive

RP sample:

In the early hours of the morning, it was usually quiet in the Dragon Flats Burough except for the rhythmic clang of hammer against metal that echoed across the empty streets and through dark, cold alleys. Hei stood over the scalding hot metal in front of him and pounded it into the form of a curved Dao blade, a beautiful sword he had been dying to forge on his own for the longest time. The chill of the autumn air stifled the heat around the outdoor blacksmithy and began to cool the iron faster then Hei expected. A little miffed, he pulled the heat-protecting mask he wore over his eyes and nose and blew a controlled blaze from his mouth to raise the temperature.

“Hei!” His grandfather called from inside the shop. “After you’re finished with whatever you’ve got there I need you to start working on those gates for the Shu family! They’re offering a pretty decent sum of yuans if you get it done by the end of the week!”

Hei sighed heavily. “Sure Gramps.”

‘Another laborious day at work’ he thought. He continued on the blade a little longer and stuck it in cool water when he was finished. Hei wiped the sweat off his forehead, held up the blade, and looked upon it with admiration. A twinge of nostalgia came over him as he remembered seeing his father doing the same thing when he was younger. “If only you could see this.” He whispered.

Additional Info:

- Hei is the son of a firebending father and earthbending mother. His father travelled with his grandfather across the world and he met and fell in love with his mother in Senlin Village when they were teenagers. They got married and settled in peaceful Shu Jing where Hei and his twin sister were born. Eventually, Hei, his father, and grandfather moved to Republic City for work and his mother and sister transferred to Ba Sing Se for training.

- Hei has a twin sister named Bai who is an earthbender and currently studies her bending in Ba Sing Se. He is very close to his twin and writes to her often. He and his sister were named after the forest spirit Hei Bai.

- His father is currently in jail for shady gang business he was forced into in order to save the blacksmithy from bankruptcy. Hei has been saving as much money as he possibly can in order to bail him out one day.

- His grandfather constantly pesters him about being single and way over marrying age. As much as he would love to find a wife and settle down, his work gets in the way and he has little time for dating. He tends to get flustered around women and is oblivious to most advances towards him. He's a complete dork OTL

Avatar: The Last Airbender Fan Art
firebender, hei, korra, rp
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