An experiment in layering objects the traditional art way, though my attempt to cut out the objects for layering was not perfect.
- The background (except city) was done by acryllic on smooth bristol paper.
- The moon, cloud, and city landscape were done by pencil crayon on versatile paper.
- The the figure, burning flame containing the maple leaf, and the town light poles were done by fibre-tip pens and PITT artist pens on smooth bristol.
- The town light pole lightings were done by fibre-tip pen and PITT artist pen on transparent parchment tracing paper.
The superheroine in this image is another of my original superheroine creations. She is Lady Canada, leader Westerella, an all-female 5-member task force where the motif for its member is western nations, kind of like how Mighty Morphin Power Rangers uses dinosaurs as the motif for its depicted superhero task force.
12:40 PM Canada EST