itsumademo (Fan Art Portfolio) Reign Character Concept Sketches

Reign Character Concept Sketches
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kinda old concept sketches, the profile and chibi ones are newer but still a couple months i think *nod*

anywho, these are original characters of mine from my, as i call it, "yaoi story" ...technically the story is as serious and complex as any of my others but initially when i started it i just wanted some characters that were yaoi cause i heart yaoi <3
the current title "Reign" is a possibly temp one as i am still trying to figure out what i want for it :/

these two aren't classic seme/uke though, but you can tell which is which though just by looking at them XD
a bit cliched, their names are Kain and Abel...i know, i KNOW how terribly cliche that is but sometimes when making characters the names just stick and fit them and nothing else works right..that is what happened here, i did try not to have that happen, i tried and tried, but it just kept coming back to them, so yeah *shrug*

Kain is the top one, with the scar and smirk, as it says if you can't read it, he is an Immortal, with ruby red eyes and coal black hair with fire orange tips--this is partially because he can control fire-- he is very arrogant, selfish, and prideful, though to his credit he IS a great warrior--who enjoys fighting a little too much, getting him/them into trouble more often than they should-- he is also the rightful heir to the throne of his realm; he isn't actually homosexual, he simply loves pretty things, male or female, whatever the species--as there are many in their world--

the girl to the right is his sister, Saria, is currently in rule, though she stole the throne;she is cruel and a bit off her rocker; Kain has a twin brother who is her righthand man and lover--yup, incest in this story too--, in her own way he is the only one she has ever cared for; she murdered their mother not long after their father fell in battle in order to take power which she was not to have regardless, being the youngest of the three children; as it says beside her she is an Immortal, with jet black hair and fire orange/red eyes

Abel is the bottom oneof the first page, his ancestry is actually uncertain for a period of time, while he grew up in a normal loving human family, he did not look anything like them or anyone else in their village; he has pure white hair and sparkling blue eyes, also a more creamy, flawless complexion unlike the tan of his family and many of the villagers--the mark on his cheek is a burn from an ember at the being of his apprenticeship--; he learns part of his ancestry through Kain, that he is a rare Half Vixen male, in my story if a vixen should give birth to a male they are abandoned on human doorsteps, he learns later on that his other half is Angel, largely hinted because he develops a pair of wings that appear on command leaving constant silvery burn marks on his back where they 'grow' from; he is a blacksmith apprentice under his father, however he wished to be a shepherd like his elder sister, a job he helped with until coming of apprenticeship age; being a blacksmith apprentice he is strong but still generally lean in muscle simply because of his genetics; he is an agile and lithe tracker but not so great with the actual catching, a skill he gained from helping his sister recover wayward sheep; growing up feeling very out of place and obviously different he spent much of his time with his sister who was his best friend, when with the village children he got picked on a lot and often ended up in fights, some he won and many he lost though he never backed down from a challenge and being used to the cruel words he tends to have a short fuse--especially with Kain who he finds quite annoying and bothersome much of the time--; i wouldn't necessarily say he is gay either, he finds girls attractive, he just comes to find himself inexplicably falling for Kain later on, at first he thinks kain to just be a rude, arrogant ass who teases him a lot which pisses him off, at times he punches Kain in expression of this;

in the story the reason he ends up traveling with Kain in the first place is because he believe that he can lead him to Kain's brother, who he initally mistakes Kain for as Abel's family is brutally murdered by the brother around the beginning of the story, another reason he continues with him is Kain sort of helps him uncover who he really is as he wants to figure that out

okay, that's enough rambling about these guys; story and characters are MINE..mine T 3T

story (c) ME
art (c) ME

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
abel, angel, arrogant, bl, blacksmith, boy love, character, chibi, concept, headshot, immortal, itsu, itsufer, kain, original, profle, reign, saria, shepherd, sketches, traditional, twin, vixen, yaoi
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BlueKimono Zuzu Uchiha
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