Oh my, what a creative title! lol
Drew this about 2 weeks ago when Toonami finally decided to put Inuyasha on back on air again!!! It's to bad that they decided to put it on VERY LATE, I can't stay up that long, I can barely watch FMA Brotherhood without falling asleep. T_T
anywho I forgot all about it! I love that anime! It was the one that got me hooked to anime for good. XD also influenced my drawings too! XD
I drew this while watching Inuyahsa using a mixed multicolor color pencil, I don't know what the proper name for it is, but the lead is a mix of colors that when you tilt the pencil to the side or something, the lead changes color.
It a very fun pencil to use!
Shall dedicate to Mangakid for passing her Exam! Congrats again Manga!!!