Hi, I know... it's been ages...
it's also been ages since I got any sleep *seriously, right now, my eyes are dying*
kay in the end of my first semester, suddenly all subjects got crazy in giving out assignments...
this is actually for my "drawing" assignment, we have to do 2 sets (1 set= 1 form study, 1 value study)
this is for my value study, I drew Alex... :( got no scanner, n my drawing is crappy :'( I'm trying to hold my eye while doing it....
I've done the other value study, but I'm not gonna post it up, it's just a bunch of things put together and I drew it xD
dilema... oh dilema.... what major to take? Illustration? Animation? my goshh~
PS: is it... good? at the very least: not ugly? X_x