I should be doing my project but voila! Look who's ugly head decided to show itself and ultimately distract me from my work?
Damned procrastination.
Anyway, since I did it already, I present to you my new drawing and possibly character... ehem, drum rolls please....
*drum rolls*
I present to you, Pixen!
Not the most creative name, eh?
Hehe, guess why she's named that way? :DD
I'm pretty happy how she turned out, honestly. Also, she's my first - EVER - cartoon/non-anime/Pixar style art, which is a big thing for me.
So since I'm college and I'm studying animation, I could probably use her for future shizzles that may come up, so yah o u o
So it's safe to say I'm adding her back story to my projects list. O u O
So any way, I hope you like~!
Done in Samsung S Memo using highlighter tool, fixed colors in Photoshop CS5 (because my phone deceives me) and sloppily blurred in SAI, just because I'm lazy afgjseheawuehfjsueyr
Here's the original, not blurred version, if ye wanna see~