CelestialSushi (Fan Art Portfolio) Pit and Popcorn

Pit and Popcorn
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Hello, all!

I know I probably shouldn't be posting this yet, but this is the pic I drew for my voice meme I recently recorded (I actually recorded a worse audio clip, but I wanted to redo it). Now to figure out how to get the footage off my mini-DV camera and onto my computer XD

I knew for the meme I wanted to draw Pit doing something, so I just randomly said, "Pit eating popcorn," and then I was like, "Ok. Works for me." So here's Pit eating popcorn. The bowl was probably on the ground when he found it. Either that or the popcorn was so he scooped it into a bowl for convenience's sake.

Either way, the kid eats stuff off the ground. Like a chicken. At least it's in a bowl now.

BTW, if you've played the game, you're probably cracking up over the chicken line. If not, then I'm sorry for the corny joke XD *snowball'd* Okay, I'll stop.

This image was sketched in mechanical pencil with images from Icaruspedia (a Kid Icarus wiki) and my Kid Icarus: Uprising Prima strategy guide (I think I used it for this... if not, it's still a great drawing reference resource anyways).

Well, with all that said, enjoy!

Dedicated to Kailith for kicks and giggles and because she's a big Kid Icarus: Uprising fan :)

Kid Icarus Fan Art
angel, bowl, CelestialSushi, Icarus, kagami, Kid, Kid Icarus, meme, Palutena, pencil, Pit, popcorn, shin, Uprising, voice
7 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
Dragoncia Zuzu Uchiha Kailith
Member Dedication
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