littlepooch (Fan Art Portfolio) Kirina and Yoru Sketches

Kirina and Yoru Sketches
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So this is a sort of fictionish that I was thinking about writing >w<;; You can probably easily tell who is who. Kirina is the sun spirit while Yoru is the moon spirit.

So the story is Yoru (The guardian of night who over sees and rules the dark.) Suddenly goes missing. At first, no one really notices (stupid huh? Not to notice the moon suddenly isn't in the sky for a month..) because it's the festival of Moon Fall, a legend where the Sun spirit and Moon spirit fought of who would rule. In the end, the Sun spirit won, but with God's power he even the plate. With the Sun's bright light, no one can look at the sun directly, BUT people are awake when the sun is up. While the moon spirit with it's glowing light allowed people to set eyes on the moon, but every one is asleep to see it.

So anyway, the festival of Moon Fall is a week long event where the Moon suddenly disappears where they warship the sun, but at night pray for the moon to return and for forgiveness. But... A week passes.. Then two.. And a third. People panic and pray to the Moon spirit to come back and put the world back in order.

Anyway bal bal bla bla blaaaa.. I don't feel like typing any more...

Anywho, for Sarah's challenge ^.^

Personal Fan Art
kirina, moon, spirits, sun, yoru
8 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
Amestar DeidaraNarutoClan MangaKid
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