CelestialSushi (Fan Art Portfolio) Infiltrating the Alchemists

Infiltrating the Alchemists
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Merry Christmas! Given that my family typically opens up our Christmas presents on Christmas Eve (late in the evening, though), here's my Secret Santa 2012 gift for... *drumroll*

Alphonse13! :D Let me just say that when Jen sent me the PM and I saw whom I was drawing for, I felt really honored ^_^ After all, drawing for one of the event organizers... that's pretty big. Not to mention you're also a One Piece fan. That was also a plus :D

Ace was pretty high up on your wishlist, alphonse13, and given your name, I figured it might be fun to combine the two series of One Piece and Fullmetal Alchemist. Ace was able to infiltrate the Marines in a cover story, so I figured he could try his hand at sneaking into the ranks of the state alchemists.

I apologize that the background's nothing fancy and likely grossly inaccurate, but there's Ace... in all his cartoony glory...

...It's not that I don't like my very cartoony style; on the contrary, it makes for images that look close to the cartoon they came from... at least, I think so... oh well. I like how Ace turned out :) And the uniform's not bad either.

Well, with all that said, I hope you like your gift! ^_^

And if you're wondering why the image is so small, ehhhh... I blame myself and Photoshop Elements for that ^_^U

References used:
-Images from the Portgas D. Ace page on the One Piece wiki
-Images from the Roy Mustang page on the Fullmetal Alchemist wiki
-::chibi.beat:: by josephine12cute
-In my dreams... by Hanako Sho
-Jean Havoc by mirumototsubasa

-Mechanical pencil
-Prismacolor fine line markers
-MangaStudio Debut 3.0
-MS Paint 2007
-Photoshop Elements 10
-Microsoft Office Picture Manager

(I think I like this new method of listing media instead of droning on about the process involved :D)

One Piece Fan Art
2012, Ace, Alchemist, Alchemists, alphonse13, blue, blur, CelestialSushi, D, digital, Elements, Fire, Fist, FMA, freckles, Fullmetal, gift, Infiltrating, list, pencil, Photoshop, pirate, Portgas, present, Santa, Secret, Spade, uniform, wish
5 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
MangaKid Zuzu Uchiha
Member Dedication
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