fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) He's here with me, Sir Erebus...

He's here with me, Sir Erebus...
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This is for my lovely friend, Steadfast, on dA

I'm not sure how to comfort someone when they experience a loss, I truly don't know what to say or how to really react... So when I heard that he lost his beloved cat, the first thing I could think of was to draw him a picture that related to what he was going through. It's hard to lose someone you love, a pet included because they become family. I know it hurts, but keep strong, Ere, because he's definitely in heaven <333

I used Lobelia because I know Ere really liked her character and wanted me to put her in his group. I'll get to that, Ere, I promise <3

Also, I have to apologize for all of the wrongness in this^^; I did everything based off of memory, so now I see that I drew Erebus's armor flipped (not to mention, I have no idea how to draw armor dahahah :'D), Erebus is too young, and the kitty...well, I can't draw animals for anything, so yeah haha^^; I also experimented a bit by trying new things, style-wise, since I still don't have a coloring style that I can call my own. Nonetheless, I really liked how this came out and I hope you like it and that it cheers you up, Ere!<3

The sky landscape(background) was from a photograph a friend took. I just resized it, cropped it, and all that good stuff to make it work for me (with her permission, of course).

Erebus and Beloved Cat (c) SteadfastBlade (on dA only)
Lobelia (c) Me~

Final Fantasy (General) Fan Art
erebus, ff, final fantasy, fire.freak, heaven, lobelia, oc
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