I have been so inspired by seeing SnowP's countdown drawings for Fire Emblem: Awakening that I checked out the game demo on my 3DS and now I'm so excited for it to be released too!! >u<
I actually felt like drawing!! xD so I drew the mysterious character who calls himself Marth after the famous FE hero... I guess we'll have to wait and see who he really is xP Its kind of a sloppy drawing but its a start, seeing I've been so lazy recently. haha
Drawn and coloured on SAI. *Psssst it looks better in high-resolution!
The game is supposed to be out in stores today but I heard it might be delayed Dx
Dedicated to SnowP!! Thanks so much for the inspiration from your lovely artworks and for getting me interested in this game!!
You guys can see SnowP's countdown starting with Chrome right HERE!