I basically demanded a pokemon request from Keba Si Rota
around a friggin' month ago I recall that you were kind to ask if it would be too hard to request Porygon, at that time I could have snorted at the mere thought the pink and blue collection of blocks would be a challenge
- I'm a much wiser person now, it is very challenging to get a thingamabob made out of blocks to look good, so it took a good portion of discarded sketches before this one took a nap on my table 'til I figured out what to do with it.
The genious thought behind this is that in my eyes they resemble ducks to some extent, and it is rare to find ducks alone...so one porygon just wouldn't do. <(-3-)>
While coloring this it magically hit me that if i spend less time being hypnotized by other artists works I would probably draw more myself, I like distractions as much as anyone else but they sure prove difficult when one tries to be productive at the same time. (-v-)
So hopefully you'll like this, if not I could take a different approach, watercolors was just so tempting this time. ~(*u*)~