I swear... I'll get to requests ASAP! I just couldn't resist submitting to this challenge!
N and Hilda (ferriswheelshipping) are my 2nd-favorite couple (next to you-know-who EdWin). They just look so cute together!! *fangirlishness over*
Pretend for me that Black is canon. I know neither game has been formally stated as canon or not, but pretend while you're looking at this. And please don't laugh at my inability to draw the claws on Reshiram's wings... err, wing.
colored pencils
Prismacolor markers for the black parts
le amazing scanner
lots of reference pics
Two hours' time
Highfives for the desired, electrified effect on Zekrom's wing!
Random silver background... because that's what you get when you mix black and white! (Though I affectionately call the pencil Alphonse-colored.) *shot*