MissDarkAngel (Fan Art Portfolio) l'inspecteur javert

l'inspecteur javert
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It's been an extremely long time since I've been on theO and probably even longer from when I last uploaded any of my artwork.

I wish I could say I'm that same kid who just uploaded all the time, but I think as I've gotten older I've become more critical of my art... I hope that, regardless of how much I criticize my own art, I just upload like crazy and come back to theO community with all you guys appreciating my work like you did in the past. You guys have been so awesome, and it's amazing to see how I've improved since my first artwork submission in '06.

To begin this slow process of coming back, I present to you l'inspecteur Javert from the 2012 Les Misérables movie, obviously with the version of Inspector Javert being played by Russell Crowe (contrary to popular belief, I thought Crowe did a pretty good job). If there's anything I must say it's that Inspector Javert is one of my fav Les Mis characters and ultimately he dies off like the majority of my favorite characters, and that although I like Terrence Mann's voice much better, Crowe wasn't terrible.

Sorry for terrible quality - taken with a camera because I havn't gotten to my scanner yet and I don't have PS on my laptop so I did the best I could with adjustments.

And that's all I'll say for now, thanks! :)

(note: will this picture ever be finished? probably never, no...)

Other Movies Fan Art
inspecteur javert, inspector javert, javert, l'inspecteur javert, les mis, les miserables, les miz
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1 member Favoritefavorite
Zuzu Uchiha
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