fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) Wait for me, my good luck charm baby

Wait for me, my good luck charm baby
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"Don't want a four leaf clover
Don't want an old horse shoe
Want your kiss 'cause I just can't miss
With a good luck charm like you" -Good Luck Charm by Elvis Presley

"Knowing that you wait for me
Ever so patiently
Yeah, you're everything I've ever dreamed of having and
It's everything I need from you just knowing that you wait for me" - Theory of a Deadman

Why am I such a sap?!
Because I'm in love with love dahahah.

As for the song quotes, I thought of Good Luck Charm by Elvis Presley and Captain (my friend) thought of Wait For Me by Theory of a Deadman, so I put them together~

Here are Pokémon Trainer OCs, Jayleen Okido and Derek Fiers, made by me and my friend over on dA/FFN! As you can see, they are very much romantically involved haha~ (even though neither Captain nor I have written anything remotely romantic about the two haha </3 Yet.) The poses are from some artwork that my art club were tossing at us, so the posing wasn't my idea (though I could SO see it being my idea!). Bite me

Forgive the simple setting. I'm really not a background artist :p Just a few poke balls, their bags, the intersection of a wall, and last but not least a 1st place ribbon hung overhead of Jayleen (which I have made symbolic according to the fanfic he is writing right now~). And let me say, he is a FANTASTIC writer. If you'd like to read his works, by all means do! Here's the link~ CaptainPrice on FanFiction.Net

Jayleen Okido (c) fire.freak(theO)/fire-freak94(dA)
Derek Fiers (c) CaptainPrice007(dA)

Pokemon Fan Art
captainprice, charm, derek, derek fiers, fiammajoule, fiers, for, good, intimate, jayleen, jayleen okido, kiss, love, luck, me, oc, okido, pokeball, pokemon, romance, wait
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MashMadness Zuzu Uchiha
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