kandafan (Fan Art Portfolio) Trix

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this is my oc Trix (short for Beatrix) for a rp my friends and i might be making XD any who, i just figured I’d post her pic in my fanart to, for funsies. it took about five minutes to draw, nothin special XD

here is her Bio, by the way:

Character: Beatrix Malcolm

Age: 17

Occupation: the veggie Brigades weapon/combat specialist. Deals with the training of new recruits, and has been a member of the group since it was first formed. Creates specialized veggie weapons to defeat the brainless, fast food monsters that McDonalds has spawned

Height: 4'11''.

Weight: 102lb

Appearance: long black hair with teal highlights that she keeps tied in a messy bun to prevent it from getting in the way of her fighting, wears a pair of goggles on top of her head (like Naruto did) to use when working on weapons. Has narrow, purple eyes that usually give her a mischievous look, has pale, thin lips, and a small nose. Her ears can appear almost pointed at times (which adds to her mischievous, elfish look) and it was something her old class mates(who have mostly turned into the brain dead, fast food zombies she has to fight to save the world) used to tease her about. She always wears the same brown scarf, and the same purple tank top, but she has a variety of different colored long sleeved under shirts, and cargo type shorts. She always wears the same, huge, purple sneakers. Her clothes and shoes are all sort of beat up looking, but she doesn't really care. She always has some type of candy (usually a lollipop).

Personality: shes basically the definition of “Mischievous Pyromaniac” she loves explosions and weapons, simply because she finds them fascinating (science was always her favorite subject). But she doesn't like to hurt people( she doesn't consider the mindless fast-food zombies people). She gets nervous really easily, and always tries her best to hide it, not always succeeding. She loves to play pranks and relax, and can be quite lazy when it comes to working, but has no problem being hyper when it comes to playing. She loves sweets, and says that she needs the energy the sugar gives her to invent new, better weapons. Candy is the only unhealthy thing she eats. She can be weary of new people, and sometimes gives them the cold shoulder at first, but once you get to know her, she'll glomp you to death. You know that you are truly close to her if she shares her candy with you.

Other Anime and Manga Fan Art
26, beatrix, kanda, kandafan, mcdonald, mischievous, oc, pickle, pyromaniac, roleplay, ronald, RP, trix
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3 members Favoritefavorite
Picklebrained Zero Maune Zuzu Uchiha
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