I've secretly been wanting the chance to be able to draw Sagi for a while now... all the Zodiacs are adorable, but she's my favorite since Sagittarius is my Zodiac sign!
About Sagittarius:
- Born November 22 to December 21
- Known as the archer
- One of the three fire signs including Aries and Leo
- Independent, encouraging, positive
- Perform best under pressure
- Boredom is Sagittarius' enemy
That's Sagittarius in a nutshell!
Here, I've drawn her holding her bow and arrow (with her sign displayed on the cuff on her right arm). Her stance displays her independence, and her smile shows positivity!
Simple purple and yellow polka-dot background to spice the picture up a bit. Titled "Cute but Deadly" because though she's got that adorable outside, inside is a fiercely independent girl who's unafraid to do what's right for her.
Sagittaruis and the Zodiac Project(C) itemilicious, Haxelo, and 15385bic