Keba Si Rota (Fan Art Portfolio) Day 15: Something Silly/Crazy/Crack-tastic

Day 15: Something Silly/Crazy/Crack-tastic
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Ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh we're halfway there... *Shot through the heart as I lay there alone in the dark.*

What, I was trying to make things interesting. You don't like that? Fine, here's my usual schpeal. Or however you spell that.

Day 15 was a prompt from yours truly. Then again, there's an otakuite with that username, so to make things clearer, this prompt was made by me, Keba. Since we all need a little laughter in our lives, I wanted everyone to draw something silly, crazy, or crack-tastic.

I came up with this prompt knowing full well what I wanted to draw: Sir Calvin the Great. In a Speedo. 'Cause stick figures are sexy. So, here I am showing off my drawing. But wait! Who is that shadowy figure looming behind me?

Side note: the shadowy background looks ugly because I made it with a mechanical pencil. I don't think you can even see the word "DOOM" written with my eraser. Despite its shortcomings, I hope you got a few giggles from my drawing.

Like for day 14, I used my mom's scanner. Since I have no clue when my dad will unpack his scanner, I don't know what I should do. Should I (a) keep using my mom's scanner, (b) invest in a scanner of my own since I've wanted to do that for some time, or (c) finish up 30 Days of Art digitally?

Also, keep in mind that my completion of this event relies on Iyami finishing day 8. I'm trying to pace myself, but I want to finish the next six drawings ASAP, even though I don't know how long I'll have to wait.

Tools used

  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Sketch paper
  • Photoshop CS5 (for touch-ups)

Sir Calvin belongs to me. I belong to me. This drawing belongs to me, but it's available for use in wallpapers and cards. Though it probably won't be.

Personal Fan Art
crack-tastic, day 15, doodle, drawing, fan service, funny, keba si rota, silly, sir calvin, sir calvin the great
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4 members Favoritefavorite
Zuzu Uchiha XxArrancarFanxX kita mikichi
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