I did another one so I could get the hang of drawing them.
Yush... that is me saying "He's so adorable!" (next to Kyle).
And that's me and Terri Lynn calling Matt handsome. *shot*
Terri Lynn: You can't have him... he's MINE!! jk jk, that is NOT how the story goes. At ALL.
Matt has a LOT of sewing supplies... and I mean a LOT. *see above*
OH! Matt's weird clairvoyant ability to visualize what Terri Lynn looks like (mentioned in part one) is called ocuphonics. I had to look in an Ultimate Survival Guide to Ghouls, Fairies, Monsters, Time Travel, and etc. to figure out its official name (which is where I got it from in the first place). I'll double-check on my Kindle to see what the official title is and what page ocuphonics is on.
NO REFFYS! Yeah... *slaps self* I forgot to put the braille on the box... which might be off a little (stupid perspective), so pretend you can't see it cuz the indentations aren't very visible. (Alliteration, YO!) *shot again*
Matt and Kyle Markham (C) me
Dedicated to MangaKid, cuz I can't stop looking at her Doodle Dumps. Even her doodles are blindingly amazing! *strives for awesomeness*