CelestialSushi (Fan Art Portfolio) Leenah

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Here's Leenah, my entry for platinumpimp's Mary Sue challenge. I felt like, when I was creating her, I wanted to try and avoid this type of character, but there's sort of a feeling of going back to my teenage days where stand-in, poorly-made characters were the norm XD Overall, though, it just felt kind of weird telling myself it was okay to make a character outrageously cheesy XD

So here's my Sam & Max fan character, Leenah. For those unfamiliar with the series, Sam & Max is about a six-foot-tall dog in a suit and his hyperkinetic rabbity-thing of a partner who work as freelance police in New York City. Chaos and bizarreness ensues. (Also interesting to note is that Max, as a general rule, isn’t really too interested in relationships with girls… or girls at all, for that matter. Leenah’s going to have an uphill climb here, but if the laws of Mary Sues hold true, then she should probably have him falling for her by the end of the story… if I ever decide to write it XD)

And now for her info:

Name: Leenah Lazuli Holland (note: I actually like the name Lazuli :D I’ve even given it to one of my Fire Emblem My Unit characters in-game). Magical girl form: The Moonlight Watcher

Age: 43 (born July 7, 1970, around the same year as Sam and Max)

Physical appearance: Despite her age, Leenah maintains a fresh-faced appearance like that of her teenage years. She stands a dainty 2' 10" at the top of her head. She has real hair, short and brown, and her light, soft fur is a creamy tan with large black patches on her ears, back, and feet, the last of which looking like natural socks. Her unnaturally-colored eyes are light brown—like her crush's eyes—spiked with green from around the edges. She dresses modernly and casually in a knee-length skirt with a tie-dye shirt and green short-sleeved jacket. White and green flip-flops are her footwear of choice, and her large lop ears are adorned with identical scrunchies. She wears a golden locket with the early gradeschool photo of her crush… lunging at the camera.

When she transforms into her magical-girl self, her eyes lose their distinctive coloration in favor of a light aqua blue, the same color that adorns her sailor-uniform-inspired outfit. A sleeveless top and a pleated skirt, accented with pink striping and a large white waist bow, comprise her main outfit. The same colors can be found on her sandals and elbow-length gloves. Her scrunchies are replaced by colored light discs, and a headband also adorns her hair, which is now fluffier than before, and pink.

Fandom: Sam & Max

History: (here goes XD)

"Leenah was lucky to have been born a lagomorph. But it wasn't her long, floppy ears that made her proud of it. It wasn't her big, made-for-hopping feet or adorable features either. No, she was happy to have been born into the same taxonomical order as her crush: Max.

Oh, Leenah had had the biggest crush on Max since their first day in kindergarten together. There was something about the odd little rabbit's bold, carefree, and mischievous nature that set her little heart aflutter. From that moment on, she was determined to get him to reciprocate those same feelings.

But even the best of plans may only sound good on paper; try as she might, nothing seemed to spark in him the same interest. Leenah tried everything from starting conversations, to bringing treats for him in her lunch bag, to copying everything he did, regardless of how mean or dangerous. Unfortunately, the last of these things garnered not Max's attention, but the attention of the school administrators. Leenah didn't care; in the end, she figured that she'd keep trying until she won his affections. To her, any cost was worth it.

Except the cost of moving... cross-country, in fact.

Now, thirty-five years later, Leenah has found her love once again; with determination, spunk, and her new moonlighting gig as the Moonlight Watcher, a twin-pistol-wielding magical girl—a ploy to dazzle Max with her sharpshooting skills—she's back in Manhattan to find her crush and win him over once and for all."

Powers or special abilities: She has the power to transform into a pistol-wielding magical girl; unlike Max, who also carries around a pistol, she’s a dead aim when it comes to shooting.

Hobbies: Writing prose, origami, shooting, archery, mixology (mostly non-alcoholic), crimefighting, studying first aid, daydreaming, and scheming about how to get Max to fall for her.

Special markings/weapons/gadgets/trinkets: Leenah’s fur pattern makes it look as though she is constantly wearing black socks; she also has central heterochromia in both eyes, brown with a green spiked ring on the outside edge. She wields twin winged pistols in magical girl form, which shoot magical bullets (they’re created in the gun and never run out). Ordinarily, she wears a gold locket with Max’s childhood school picture in it.

So there you have it (yikes, crazy-long description XD) With all that said, enjoy! Or, rather, you’re probably shaking your head, groaning. In which case, my work here is done :D

Well, sort of. I like her regular design, so I’m probably going to hold on to her.

Sam & Max Fan Art
bunny, CelestialSushi, character, digital, fan, fan character, girl, Holland, lagomorph, Leenah, lop, magic, magical girl, Max, pistol, rabbit, Sam & Max, twin
10 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
dedens XxArrancarFanxX HotRamen2Go009
Member Dedication
Mega Mary Sue
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