I'm dedicating this to you Jomz, because I just read your post here and I agree with you. Practise matters. You inspired me to have a go at drawing today ^^
I often feel like not drawing because I worry the end result won't be what I want it too. I sometimes get a bit overwhelmed by the art of others and embarrassed by my own ^^'
But I'm not going to improve by not drawing. So here is a messy scribble of Vaek, because I seem to end up drawing him when I don't really have an idea of what to draw XD (Yes, I know his face is all wonky).
I think I'm going to work on a sketch-dump and see if that helps me at all. Otherwise my portfolio will be full of scribbles like this haha.
So, Thanks to Jomz for the jolt of inspiration ^^ may we both improve our art as we carry on.